Why ashran for the brawl?

One event win is all you need for the quest and 65 CP. Still unsure how you get the 40 (if you even do since it doesn’t end)

And the deserter is a big issue. I spent a good 40 minutes in an Ashran just now, shouldn’t have deserter for leaving. Old Ashran you wouldn’t get deserter if you at least spent 5 or 10 minutes in there.

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I think it being endless is still strange, it should end when you kill tremblade and no reinforcements that would be fine

So, play the regular Epic BG version of Ashran then? It’s got reinforcements still, but it can still end when you kill Tremblade and it’s not endless.

Otherwise, the Brawl version is where you’ll probably be more likely to eventually kill one of the generals.

I’m hoping eventually. So far 2 Ashrans full of some not smart Horde.

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its a 44m bg and you can tell who wins with in the first 10m…lol.

And once defense burns towers, it shaves 15 minutes off of the timer.

Did you get flying yet??

Me? Yes, few days ago

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Yay you did it!

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me?.no im not an ap farmer or rare farmer so there is no need for me to get flying.

My first one ever! Are you proud of me?

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Eh, me either but I just wanted to do one just to say I did it.

So proud, you’re all growns up.
Was the driving force to be able to swoop down and sow terror from the skies upon unsuspecting victims?


Are the nemesis quests working for it?

Yeah they’re working in the Brawl Ashran.

Don’t you need events too?

ITT: People who dont realize “Classic Ashran” Means the one directly from WoD that never ends even if you kill tremblade, and when you want out of the never ending story; you close the book.


Horde don’t seem to understand how to play Ashran. Especially ranged DPS. We got aoe’ed down over and over again on their bridge because ranged didn’t push up.

Playing this reminded me of the 9/10 bad groups you used to get.

we just steam roleld the alliance get seige tanks take both towers then go around in a circle for the rest of the 25m left…its not that hard…lol.

its just to long we had them beat in 10m with 20 to go…this needs to change either 30m bg or reinforcements like av.

Ashran doesn’t have towers or seige tanks.