Why ashran for the brawl?

i was letting you know i did a wintegrasp and won.

Ohh gotcha. Gj

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we still need to change how ashran is played maybe adding a reinforcement system like av or a 30m timer.

Nah they wanted it this way on purpose as it’s how it was. It’s just a brawl and will be gone for a while next week.

The epic BG Ashran does have reinforcements.

(really love how the forums randomly select a character for me to post on)

I don’t like playing anything where the balance is so in favor of horde that it’s utterly unfair. I loaded into an epic ashran where only 25 alliance were in it against 40 horde, 4 games in a row. To make things more unfun I spent 2 hours in the Brawl and have no clue how to fulfill the win requirement to gain my 300 honor and 40 conquest for the week since the brawl never ends.

If I wanted to play in a PVP event where I get my head kicked in nonstop by the horde I’d just go to Mechagon or Nazjatar (where the hordes presence is so massive blizzard literally turned off the pvp event in warmode because of it) and just let the horde continue nonstop kill me while i’m grabbing my quests in Mezzamere. Maybe instead of fixing bugs in your BG’s you should fix the massively game breaking balance issues with your faction balancing on server shards first. Considering Warmode is supposed to be a 50/50 split and it’s actually a 98/2 horde favored split everywhere you go.

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They likely just got a boss kill. Happened when I loaded into an Ashran with 20 people. And in that same Ashran, alliance killed the boss and all left but 8. They filled back up though.

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Any fix for those who already did the brawl and these things? I realllyyyy don’t want to have to do it again after being in it for 2+ hours today. Put in a ticket before this was announced.

yeah i was wondering on how to get the daily win as well

Fixing world balance is WAY harder then fixing a random bg/brawl. They can’t just snap there finger and fix everything like balance.

I like brawl ashran a lot. Fun

Just do it again, it took me 20 minutes to get credit post-hotfix and most of that was waiting for an event to spawn.

These guys did a good job. The one thing that would make this map better would be turn on our garrison toys so they work.