I’m a casual player and I talk about dual spec all the time.
Don’t kid yourself, it’s an elitists vs casual argument
When dual spec was released you had to be 40 to buy it. You clearly don’t remember it if you played the game back then.
Seems like hearsay to me. Prove it or it doesn’t belong in this discussion.
40 to buy it when 80 was the max and talent tree was bigger with new abilities and major and minor glyphs to augment particular talents. Regardless of your feelings the lvl gate is arguably the first consideration before implementation, Devs would Need to discuss it, research historical references, compile data, and possibly delegate analysts to determine the lvl that works best for the implied qol change, got to know when to turn it on before your able to even consider turning it on.
I’m not paid to play this game. I play for fun. If it’s not fun I don’t do it. Farming for the gold to pay for respecs isn’t fun for me so I don’t respec and I don’t play the parts of the game the require a different spec. I log out instead. Lots of people do the same. So there are less players tanking, healing, and doing pvp. That’s not good for an MMO. I don’t care about your insults. Like you said, “ALL the D-spec threads end up toxic and a mud slinging free for all” so all I really expect from you is insults. Why not just call me a turd? Isn’t that your favorite insult?
That’s just hearsay. You can’t prove you know what the devs would need to do so it doesn’t belong in this discussion.
I guess when you can find literally one other person that wants to talk about it?
I don’t think you understand quite how much this ‘laziness’ affects people who now don’t want to bother responding in LFG for a tank or healer. Or - maybe you do and you don’t care. Either way, your points were all refuted.
I’ve never hidden the fact that I want a QoL change. That’s what QoL changes are for - to stop people from having to do un-necessary time wasting things just to play the game.
I await your counters to my counters, in the event you just aren’t giving up.
SO HOW WILL THEY FIGURE OUT WHAT LEVEL YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE FEATURE? MISS SMARTY PANTS. Seriously I apologize if your on the spectrum, but if your just trying to be obstinate and narrow minded then you deserve to take offense, and if you feel you resemble my made up derogatory labels to classify negative and abusive aspects of game society, then I guess the shoe fits and your a Turd Ferguson.
Your is a possessive pronoun. Your a turd ferguson would mean that you are in possession of a turd ferguson. For example, your bike, your computer etc. I think the word you’re trying to use would be “you’re.” You’re is a contraction of you are. If you want to insult someone by calling them a name you want to say you are “insult” or you’re.
Same point here. You’re trying to say “you are on the spectrum” so you use the contraction you’re not the possessive pronoun your. Just trying to help since I don’t think you want to look stupid as you insult people.
QoL is not about you as an individual, guaranteeing your personal wants or needs; it’s about how to milk you for money and keep you playing. Have you stopped playing yet? That’s right, you hit 70, have a life And can only play 3 to 4 hrs a week, so ya you stopped playing and started logging. Sounds more like a personal problem and your the chump for paying the sub on a game you don’t enjoy nor play,
Your right. I did use the wrong form of you’re. Truly, I apologize for not respecting your condition; seeing all these grammar tragedies must really distress and trigger you. What’s the proper woke word to use to describe compulsive gramar and spelling vigilanties?
No need to apologize. You probably went to a poor quality elementary school with low standards so it’s not your fault. Or maybe your parents didn’t prioritize school work and let you watch a lot of tv instead. Children can be flighty and unfocused and it takes good parenting to keep them on task. You’re not to blame for bad parents. I’m happy to help you learn and move past your deficiencies. You’re welcome.
Do you mean I have a right? Or were you acknowledging that correctness of my post i.e. you are (contraction you’re) right? Hard to believe after my long explanation of the proper use of your and you’re you’d still not understand.
Rallyna’s arguments got absolutely dismantled and he got made to look like a complete fool, so what’s his solution? Start calling people turds and autists.
Actual dentbrain.
Bruh for your sake i seriously hope you’re not over the age of about 15, hey
Bet you say that to all your dates
yeah i call my dates “bruh”
and your next retardo post will be…?
Your so helpfull.
“Your so helpfull”
yep, seems about right
Correct spelling is helpful. You’re welcome.