Why arent there more "polls" on the forums?

Really? I thought the funny thing about that was that we actually did, and did so much that they not only gave us classic, but tbc classic, wotlk classic, and HC classic.

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not touching that with a 14 foot pole, I am OUTA here!

If there were more poles, you would confuse all the tauren and Drani.

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Because we aren’t strippers


oops, polls*

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It wouldn’t, given that everyone can vote on every level 10 alt. And some of the results I’ve seen have convinced me that the poll function only exists so that Blizzard can use it for PR stunts.

When you can just hop on alts and vote multiple times it becomes… Useless.

People are pulling numbers out of the rump.

Forum polls are worse than useless, because of self selection bias. And they’re extremely open to abuse from trolls (either for or against).

It definitely was not true when it came to classic. But a lot of other stuff it is. :upside_down_face:

And have something that could be called a metric to prove Blizzard is doing the opposite of what players want? Better to have none at all so diehards can use the “its natural for MMOs to hemorrhage so many players in a short amount of time” excuse.

This poll on What’s Your Favorite Game Mode, was conducted by Blizzard back in May of this year. While I’m sure it provided them some useful insights, they likely should have invested in a 3rd party research group like Gartner, Forrester Research, Qualtrics, etc.:

  • To formulate clear and unique questions that are less ambiguous/overlapped and aligned with the Blizzard’s business objectives (why are they asking? to guide future development focus to retain existing customers and/or get them to spend more on MTX? to entice former customers to return?)
  • To email a random sample of the active WoW population instead of the biased sample that forum users represent
  • To tie the email responses to a Blizzard account so there is only one vote per account instead of the multiple votes an individual with multiple characters can submit with a forum poll
  • To do an in-depth statistical analysis of the poll results providing actionable insights

Why vote for the obvious thing when I can vote for the negative thing? If anyone paid attention to minecraft mob votes, they wouldnt want wow to have polls on things. Things’ll just be skewed weirdly cause why not, it’s just a game.

Because in order to have accurate polls you need controls, and ways to negate sampling bias. The forums are a tiny sample of the overall playerbase who voluntarily come forth with their opinions, with complaints being the predominant ones. Any decent polster would see that as a very skewed sample and not go near it.

Well that’s not really true (needing controls and to negate sampling bias). That’s only true if you need fair outcomes.

People want to feel like they have had a say in the outcome, at least if anyone here or talking about Pathfinder or flying is to be believed, for example. They want their consultation, and they do not want to hear about “controls” or anti bot measures nor do they want to hear Ion’s perspective that the game is better without flying. The latter two (Ion’s thinks it is good for the game or it being anti-bot) – they want removed or is too absurd.

No, I don’t think people want fair outcomes; they want specific outcomes to be heard or maybe to override what they believe is a dev decision.

Probably bc they are easily manipulated by alts. Not to mention the forums are a very tiny portion of the player base.

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Because forum polls are as follows:

100% of forum polls are only indicative of 5% of the player-base.

Of that 5% only 2% are truthful in their selection and the other 10% are people logging on alts to skew the results.

This statement is 75% false. :wink:

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Forum polls are useless for finding out actual information.

The last one we had, people could use alts to vote meaning those who cared enough could vote an additional 59 times. And thats assuming they only have one account.

Also the pvp community rallied to get as many votes as possible saying pvp is the most popular way to play, in hopes that it would get them some new content and attention.

So thats two ways the results were manipulated.

And of course outside of that we are just a small part of the community and not necessarily varied enough to represent the views of the players as a whole.

Really if they want to know something, they should send a poll out to every players email so every active player gets notified and a chance to give their opinion, and can only do it the once.

alright. fair game.
so who are all these people coming forward with claims that “the majority” or any percent for that matter have an opinion one way or the other?

Polls wouldn’t matter anyway.

In a sense, people see what they want to see, in order to believe what they want to believe. In addition, everyone likes to be proven right, and changing their views is an admission that they were wrong, or at least had an incomplete understanding of an issue.

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Blizzard should put out surveys on the forums instead of the 10% of disconnected folks that get them in the mail or w/e