Why arent there more "polls" on the forums?

I mean…
It seems like every second or third post there is someone with claims that a certain percent of the player base is in favor of this or that.
Why not have polls?
It might not be perfect, because not everyone who plays World of Warcraft is on these forums, BUT, it would be a lot better than Cotton Eye Joe spieling off random claims that EVERYONE or A LARGE MAJORITY of players agree with something with no source?


Blizzard does polls on occasion. They did one on playstyle a few months ago.

However to hold you over, here is an image of a polecat.


Polls would be meaningless. This is the internet. If someone wants to leverage the developers to get the game made their way and has to leverage dishonest numbers to do it, that’s what they’re going to do.

In modern discourse, having good sources to back you up is meaningless. All that matters is whether you can get people to feel like you need them to.

Presumably the Poles are on the EU forums.


It’s because blizzard doesn’t want to encourage a strip club atmosphere by adding more poles :wink:


Polls? Why?

Also this playerbase doesn’t know what it wants.

No poll needed. All opinions on this forum can be condensed down to:

“Current thing bad, unless it’s good, then current thing good, unless it’s bad.”

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anyone else here get riled up when they see someone making claims and speaking for the masses?
its like, i don’t remember throwing my opinion in the hat? and as a matter of fact, I would also like to disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t want to get into an extensively worded argument. I just wanna say that I don’t agree.

No it wouldn’t. It just makes people think that an actual reliable sample think something then they quote it like gospel for years.

I thought this was gonna be about Polish people.


yes it would.
some votes are better than no votes right?
I also said that it wouldn’t be perfect because not everyone who plays drops in on the forums. Maybe use that line as a disclaimer on-top of the voting pole?

people could react and say “according to this poll, these are the results” without it becoming gospel

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  • the forums are a minority of players, and not a good representation of the whole
  • players are not developers, and generally do not know how to make good choices regarding game design
  • votes will be trolled, and skewed; see Grimrail Depot being voted in for M+
  • we’ll see posts complaining about the choices, or what won/lost the vote no matter what

After Pandaren the playerbase cant be trusted

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I stand with you dwarf man. I too share the same thoughts on the panda expansion.

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Ummmm I definitely wanted Goo Cat! I VOTED! And… ultimately lost.

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Even a poll here would only show the opinions of a minority. There are hundreds to a small thousand here at times. But there are many more players that do not come here or do not post.

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Definitely not.

Something people already ignore as long as it looks like the results fit their narrative.



SO true.

hahahha I laughed pretty good at when you quote just the word pole and added the :neutral_face: to it hahahhha, made my day better

We can’t even get the forum to agree that a poll would collect opinions honestly. And I’m sure with alts and classic andy’s it can’t.

This is why we can’t have nice things.


Funny thing about, “You think you do, but you don’t”… its actually true a lot of the time. :upside_down_face: