Why arent there more "polls" on the forums?

This poll on What’s Your Favorite Game Mode, was conducted by Blizzard back in May of this year. While I’m sure it provided them some useful insights, they likely should have invested in a 3rd party research group like Gartner, Forrester Research, Qualtrics, etc.:

  • To formulate clear and unique questions that are less ambiguous/overlapped and aligned with the Blizzard’s business objectives (why are they asking? to guide future development focus to retain existing customers and/or get them to spend more on MTX? to entice former customers to return?)
  • To email a random sample of the active WoW population instead of the biased sample that forum users represent
  • To tie the email responses to a Blizzard account so there is only one vote per account instead of the multiple votes an individual with multiple characters can submit with a forum poll
  • To do an in-depth statistical analysis of the poll results providing actionable insights