Why arent the unarmored mounts going to be available in vanilla. I am outraged....:(

They could always make them bop, leave them in until phase three so no one has to rush, or not take them out at all. Removing them entirely is the worst choice.


But you know what else was in 1.12? Naxxramas. Where is Naxxramas at launch? That doesn’t sound fair at all. :slight_smile:

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No, because it makes 0 sense to remove something that was part of the game that a lot of people cared about.


It’s makes zero sense to add something that’s outside the scope of the itemization plan because a few “special” people are upset they can’t collect things.


So you are telling me the thought that someone might buy gold to get the mounts, they shouldn’t be in the game at all? That is your point now? Really? What about people that pay other people for gear in the raids? Because you know there is loot sharing now for 2 hours in raids. Why are you not making posts about that? That is a way bigger issue than the mounts ever were.

Btw. You will never stop gold selling. Removing the mounts just removes content that a lot of people were excited about. Gold selling will happen no matter what. Removing content is not the way to fight the issue. (btw neither is wow token)


Bam, players are getting banned for buying gold and have to start over.

I see your point although I don’t think it’s a reason to limit content. I’d be fine with them leaving the mounts in permanently, too. It seems like a reasonable solution to the rushing they’re so concerned about.


If I’m not mistaken, the Winterspring Frostsaber was an epic unarmored mount that you could farm. However, that’s only one race mount and pretty sure also Alliance only.

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That is correct. You only needed 75 riding skill as well.

Personally I think they should leave them in but up the cost and make them non-tradeable. They were part of the vanilla experience and deserve to be there in some fashion.
Although I think they shouldn’t dictate how people play the game, if someone wants to rush for the mounts let them. People are going to rush for other reasons anyways. What are they going to clip early molten core access or early node farm next?


Seems more people are upset with their reasoning rather than the mounts actually being gone because of the patch.

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Didn’t you notice how all the key members left over the last 2 years, even Metzen himself jumped ship.

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add unarmored epic mounts to vendor and dont remove them its a win-win for everyone


It’s just bling for collectors.

If they were there, it would just draw even more tourists. The type of player who is only there because the think they will eventually get to take their mount back to retail. I’d prefer to discourage tourism as much as possible.


Thats pretty selfish and bad reasoning to be honest. Give us the damn mounts


We already know there isn’t going to be any carry-over, and I’m pretty sure people would double-check before they sink several months into no-lifing a game they hate just for a mount. At that point you can’t call them a tourist.

How about we remove Ashbringer while we’re at it.


Im not sure why people try to even argue against this its honestly awkward. Add classic mounts to classic


There are classic mounts in Classic, just not the rendition you prefer…


are you trying to become an MVP poster or something kid?..

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Kid? There’s a pretty good chance I’m older than you. My oldest kid is no longer a kid…

To answer your question, no… I’m willing to bet that most of my posts are… umm…not polite enough for Blizzard…

Don’t care either…


lol you must be a legion baby or something… if you played vanilla you’d know and care about these mounts .

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