Why are you torturing the horde?

What a refreshing change!!

Eventually the horde will be fully absorbed into the alliance as part of a servant caste.

When playing housing gets implemented I plan on having numerous horde servants running around bowing and saying, “ for the Alliance!!”


Lets not forget also cutscenes, mounts and quest lines (awarding rep and at the time ap that related to player power) have been alliance only with no counter measures for the horde side. Examples, anduins multiple quest lines, ap rewards, rep and cutscenes in legion with the bfa bee mount.


Horde deserves worse :+1:


Whats amusing about this post is the horde is the faction that already has alliance slaves.

To be fair, Blood Elves make up 68% of the Horde.

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Alliance Broken Shore movie near the start of Legion: 4:09 of Varian being a badass

Horde Broken Shore movie near the start of Legion: 3:19 of Varian being a badass
(oh and there a little under a minute of horde footage, too)

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Yeah but both factions got to see that. I was more refering to the cutscenes involving anduin finding the compass with his picture in it as alliance exclusive content.

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OP implying that Horde does not have Druids.

Emerald Dream is a Druid zone, not an Alliance Zone. By claiming it’s an Alliance zone, you are alienating your Druid allies. Be better.


Yeah we are people/ bears/ owlbears/ owls/ bats/ turtles/ dophins/ orcas/ ravens/ cheetas/ stags/ raptors too. I missed allot but my point was made :rofl:

No, op is pointing out how we are following an Alliance leader with no Horde presence in the story. Again


Except we do with talanji she just shows up later.

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Does she? Perhaps I just have not made it that far

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So we’re following Tyrande (not a druid!) around because… why?

And the Horde Druids leading half the story are… where?

I haven’t seen them.


Those quests aren’t out yet. She has been mentioned though via the owl loa/wildgod who has an invested interest in meeting her hence why she shows up.

Not my Fault Horde druids are neglecting their duty to save Azeroth. What are they doing anyway?

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Appearing later with the loa/wildgod story. Be patient little one.

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Well for DF we’ve had the logo practically is Alex’s mouth so I’d say Thrall behind the logo is an upgrade lol

What do you, as a Hordie, want?? Instead of the Emerald Dream, the Brown Nightmare? Dailies focused on making mud huts, digging ditches and kicking baby pigs and puppies? A quest like this:

Random Orc general #42–> “Champion! We need you to build more spikes for the venue for our Ceremonial Blood Oath for the new recruits to the HORDE!! Get on it OR DIE!!”

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A Warcheif and not some hald baked council for one.


Ideally a Horde quest hub with Horde quests given out by Horde characters for Horde players.

Failing that, a mix of half-Horde and half-Alliance characters.