Why are you torturing the horde?

I’m sorry but it’s incredibly funny to me that Lor’themar, the leader of the Blood Elves, literally invites Alliance characters to his wedding but you have his followers here still frothing at the mouth about faction divisions that are very obviously being petered down in the Saga.

It’s legitimately funny and sad. You really need to touch grass.


Always a Blood Elf poster.

I’ll be more clear about my point I guess, because it wasn’t that there are literally two halves to the game that must be maintained at all times.

I’m saying that the game often focuses more on characters from one “side” or the other in the story. TBC (kinda), MoP, and WoD were a little more Horde heavy. Legion, Shadowlands (from what I saw), and Dragonflight (from what I’ve seen so far) have been more Alliance heavy. Though outside of maybe Garrosh and MoP; claiming that any of the characters were the main focus, is kind of inaccurate. The main focus is usually the conflict/story as a whole, and not on any single character.

But more to the point, if someone is complaining because they’ve limited themselves to playing one faction for the better part of 20 years, to the point that they’re averse to even seeing story involving members of the other faction and consider it to be “playing as them”, then I view that as a self-inflicted problem at this point. Unless the story is specifically focused on the faction conflict, I don’t even stop to consider the balance of the Horde/Alliance characters in the story. If the story dictates using more of one or the other, I really don’t care, and I’d prefer that they write the story like that instead of forcing in characters that don’t make as much sense.

I also very much dispute that the Horde wasn’t a huge part of BfA. I’d even argue that the story was more slanted towards the Horde. N’zoth may have been the final bad in BfA with Magni as the point of contact for the Heart stuff, but he was a neutral party. And we spent more time on the war campaigns that had lots of Horde centered story and major internal developments; where the Alliance was just kind of along for the ride on a decent amount of it. Including the Saurfang cinematics, the rebellion, and the finale of that story. And all of that directly led us into Sylvanas kicking off Shadowlands and acting as one of the main characters along with Tyrande and Anduin, while Thrall and Baine participated here and there (much like Jaina).

I have played both Horde and Alliance over the years but now I just like playing Kul Tiran Warrior… Thats it. That said the new zone makes me feel like I’m looking at puddle of barf from a kid that ate waaaayy to many skittles.

I would take the crossroads over “The dream” any day of the week.

One of the reasons I took a long break from WoW after Cata and didn’t come back till Legion - then took ANOTHER long break - was because of how one-sided the game had gotten for the Horde.

They had the most players so I guess it made good business sense, but as an Alliance player from Day One with hardly any Horde toons, it was really frustrating to see the game world so tilted heavily towards the Horde. All the stories, the QoL improvements, the racials, the quests and in-game gains made by either faction were drastically in favor of the Horde.

Hell, on a lot of servers, there were hardly any Alliance players at all. I remember it got so bad at one point, that many Horde PvPers switched sides just to even the odds a bit and for more of a challenge.

I have no idea what the current story of WoW is or what the population balance is like, but if Alliance is FINALLY getting some love after all this time, then I welcome it.

Legion was the last expansion where I felt like part of the story and not just some background character in a Horde epic.

Curiously. Legion, the one expansion that’s entirely about the Alliance. That seems to be your standard?

Well, in case you’ve missed it, the game’s story has been about the Alliance since then. And it’s been quite a long time since Legion’s launch.


There is nothing alliance themed about this patch.

The Emerald Dream and Elune reach far beyond our world lol. They are not associated with either of our little factions.

Is it because of the Night Elf aesthetic? Remember that it’s the otherway around. Night Elves have an Elune aesthetic. Don’t associate any of this with The Alliance or Night Elves.

Night Elves are just some lil’ munchkins that Elune influenced and dressed up to look like her as a fun project. They don’t matter. Everything is pointing to Elune being something pretty huge. She does not belong to the Night Elves.

Also it is incorrect to play horde

Wait. It’s been all Alliance since Legion? Wasn’t BFA and SL entirely about Sylvanas? BFA was actually balanced during the story campaign between Kul Tiras and Zandalar, but everything after that centered around Sylvanas doing Sylvanas things.

I haven’t played much of Shadowlands except the starter zones, and haven’t played any of Dragonflight yet, so can’t speak to those.

Lol it is heavily Night Elf aesthetic so yes, it gets associated with the Alliance. It’s also as a result of Teldrassil which is also Alliance. This whole thing from BFA onward was the Night Elf saga who are Alliance.

Apparently if we want any story of our own it is.

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Yes, Sylvannas being the evil antagonist and the Alliance being the heroes to save the day. You’re correct.

That’s the role of the Horde since a good while, to be the antagonists or the sidekick to the Alliance’s heroic deeds. Sometimes we get to lick our wounds too.

Also, if you count Sylvannas as Horde in SL, then you must count Bolvar, the face of the expansion and the leader of the good guys, as Alliance.

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I mean, that might be because the Horde burned Teldrassil down.

Yes, but we weren’t saddled with your story after Theramore. We shouldn’t be saddled with it now. It’s a game about war. And always had factions. I don’t want anything to do with your tree or any trees after dragon riding.

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Heh, you keep unintentionally confirming how one-sided the game has been for the Horde. I forgot that the Horde also destroyed Theramore.

So, yeah, you’re going to keep being “saddled” with these stories because the writers have to make up for these atrocities in some way. Sort of like tossing the Alliance a bone every now and then.

But really, it’s not a “Night Elf” aesthetic. Night Elves are just some lil’ munchkins that were influenced by a vast cosmic entity, so they bear that visual connection, but that aesthetic shouldn’t be given their namesake or thought of as being theirs. They are just one example of something that extends far beyond them.

Elune is a protector of life, everything connected to her belongs to all life, not just Night Elves. The Night Elves are just ants compared to all of this.

Us being made the patsies to your story is not Horde favoritism. We just keep being delegated to the accessories to your pain.

It absolutely is.

In the current state of the game the Horde is the bad guys, the Alliance is the good guys. Stuff like destroying cities is a bad guys move. Even destroying your own city (and people) in order to cause damage to the enemies is also a villain trademark (which the Horde has done).

This only proves how the story team has made the Alliance the good guys and the Horde the bad guys.

Strangest part for me was that in legion I quested with Tyrande and saved Malf. Then in BFA I burned her home and fought them in the warfront. Now I’m back to saving the dream.

If you play your Horde character like they are in game then at best your a backstabber… at worst your a psychopath.


Then it sounds to me as though you’d consider any story point that involves this specific vast cosmic entity (Elune) whose influence stretches across innumerable worlds in the Great Dark Beyond who has some great role in the overall structure of the universe itself to be a “Night Elf” aesthetic.

If that’s how you are viewing this, then no, you’re not going to be able to avoid what you consider a “Night Elf” aesthetic, because you’ve made the aesthetic of the eternal of life in the World of Warcraft universe synonymous with the aesthetic of “Night Elves.” It’s like seeing a stone and calling it a human reference through connection with the Titans.

It’s been entirely about spending time and doing things for Magni, Tyrande, Jaina, Bolvar, Bolvar’s kid, Shandris, etc. etc. etc.

Was Sylvanas the villain? Sure.

So what? We’re spending our IN-GAME TIME with Alliance NPC’s, at their beck and call. And it’s happening again next expansion.

They couldn’t even be bothered to make a Horde NPC for Horde players to do Delves with.