Yea, it’s hard to try to explain this one. For some reason a ton of the player base seems to think that BFD will get abandoned, heh, no no it will not.
Oh interesting, really?
I imagine the set gear could be prebis for next phase due to the hit, but that’s only assuming we don’t get have something new to fill the gap. The epic 2H is comparable to lv32 gear from RFD though, unless I’m missing something.
Yes, it will definitely be prebis for most classes.
All of the caster gear with the exception of bracers carry to the next raid. And bracers hit at 40 with WSG rep.
Your understanding of reality is diminishing each time you post.
Why would someone who wants GDKP banned have a payout list? They wouldn’t attend one…
Hook line and sinker.
So then how do they know what the “insane” prices are?
So youre saying they dont actually know and are just guessing?
Because the second they post a log, They will call them a hypocrite for being in one or running one. It’s how this particular poster operates. Lots of “got ya” moments that are ultimately meaningless.
The forum system has a couple of solutions for posters like that though.
All this post has made me want to do is join GDKP runs because they sound like practical money makers
The logs are in discord, they dont need to be a part of the run, any evidence would of been fine.
See BFD gdkp payout sheet, post gdkp payout sheet.
Really hard evidence to get
Because of posts like this…
“just saw a credit card Warrior and PayPaladin money dueling over a strike of the hydra in a friend’s bfd gdkp. 525g for the thing rofl”
Post the payout sheet.
They are if you don’t need anything, can stand the sweat smell, and nothing you do happen to need drops.
The second something you need or want drops, and you don’t bid on it or lose the bid everytime and don’t cough up any cash… You’ll never get into that one again.
GDKPs aren’t friendly to “buyers” who don’t buy anything.
Not how it works.
Stay in your lane.
I’ve done normals raids where I don’t get nothing so I might as well get paid for it
Fair, just be careful of who you hook up with.
There are some decent Discords you can get on that do these on the regular. Just, like I warned before, some are very hostile towards buyers who don’t spend.
I’d also warn against ever joining one in trade or LFG chats. A couple of those I did on Mankrik didn’t pay out at the end and the raid leader ran off with the cash. One we found out was RMTing the pots out on the side and just ripping everyone off until that account he was on got hit with the ban hammer for gold selling.
Stick with a reputable Discord and you’ll be fine. Just realize if you’re going to be a buyer, you’ll be bidding against some people that likely RMT’d their bank accounts.
dude shut up lmao
This guy is so lost in the sauce that he actually thought that having a payout list is a gotcha.
They don’t even recognize how blatantly ignorant they are.
Here let me speak in a language maybe you can understand. People not think complain about bot do thing. Complain about GDKP maybe do thing. Mmmmmmmm me likey thinky yes yes.
GDKP’s kill the guild experience and water down the game.
My guess they are also selling gold to the RMT sites