You want my BFD logs too?
You want my BFD logs too?
Not really BFD is boring
Two out of 12 heroic it’s very fascinating that there’s a correlation between underskilled players and anti-gdkp.
I mean if I wanted Heroic Progs I’d go play on the Mega servers, I do hope you understand theres only 2 guilds on Atiesh that have beaten Heroic LK right? Im chilling with the casual train.
I’m also casual I only raid one day a week for 2 hours to full clear heroic.
You sure you’re using the right word?
Are you mistaken casual for bad?
Oh wow you two are still on these threads? Do either of you do anything other than constantly reply to yourselves. Wild.
Just stop. Casuals aren’t full clearing heroic.
Because blizzard doesn’t care and the wow tokens probably gonna get added in the next phase and this will just help them make more money
I’m a casual.
What do you even mean??
I play wotlk 2 hours a week and I kill heroic LK
I’ll try to summarize your argument.
Gdkp is good because people pay to win and get their BIS gear and thus can do more damage and clear raids and get more gear and do more damage.
Your argument that you are bragging about winning is that if you cheat you can win? Cool story bro.
What if everyone just played the game and progressed naturally? What’s the rush in getting all your BIS right away. I haven’t paid a cent for RMT gold and I am a few weeks away from Shadowmourne. I’m pretty excited and it’s going to be a huge achievement. If I bought gold and just got carried through to get it, it would be a hollow victory.
Think of it as using Performance enhancing drugs. You get amazing results but did you actually achieve anything or was it just the steroids? GDKP is the syringe that injects the poison into the game.
There is no mental gymnastics to get around what Dovahkin posted. It sums it all up. GDKP brings RMT gold into the game, it’s a major vector for it. Shutting it down would reduce demand for RMT gold and reduce the bots. That is a fact. You can be upset and not like what I am saying but it’s the truth.
Also, why is there sides? It’s not us vs them, we are all players. Some of us are using exploits to benefit themselves. Others want the exploit removed for everyone’s benefit, you just can’t comprehend a better experience.
This mage is my main and I’m 12/12H pre buff. I raid in a guild you can see my guild tag.
I don’t gdkp current raids on this mage because I raid in my guild
This literally just destroyed your whole reply.
You don’t need to buy gold to be good,you can just be good.
Start slow tho. Make a few hotkeys every week until youre not clicking anymore. Than stop back peddling, then once youre used to all your hotkeys you can now stop looking at your action bars while you raid and get just look at all the mechanics on your screen and all th mechanics about to happen.
It’s not hard to get good, just practice.
Raid logging doesn’t make you a casual.
No, you are helping to make my point. No one needs to GDKP. You claim you don’t GDKP on your mage(if that’s true, not sure why you wouldn’t though) then good for you man! See we don’t need GDKP to be successful!
Being bad doesn’t make you a casual
Apparently it does.
Dude just told me I’m only good cuz I gdkp.
Do these people think that if they did gdkps they would all of a sudden stop clicking and be able to magically do mechanics??
It’s all so fascinating
No I said I don’t do current raid gdkps on this mage, like I don’t do ICC gdkps on this mage cuz I raid in a guild
I do older raids as gdkps and ICC gdkps on my boomie.
I like gdkps.
Doing gdkps doesn’t make you bad or good, being bad just makes you bad.
If that dude can’t do better than 2/12 Heroic it has nothing to do with gdkps, he’s just not a very good player.
Same with Shadows, he’s 3/12H, if he did gdkps it wouldn’t make him magically better.
But it would, he would have his set pieces and BIS gear. He would do much better with gear scaling. Anyone with BIS gear and rudimentary understanding of their class is going to very well.
This is what I’ve been trying to say this whole time. GDKP is pay to win. RMT gold buyers join, buy the gear. Pumpers get their cut and can buy their gear. Everyone gears up to BIS and rocks 12/12 heroic. If that’s not Pay to Win I don’t know what is? Removing GDKP and you remove a major incentive to buy gold. Less RMT gold buying = less bots.
Blizzard policing bots more effectively would also mean less bots. Not sure why you refuse to understand that.
Bis gear doesn’t make you follow mechanics.
This is pretty dumb.
Getting 1 shot by a raid mechanic you can’t do has nothing to do with your gear.
Hell ICC Has a 15% buff currently.
I totally agree, I’ve posted a few times that bots are the root cause. If it were possible to completely remove RMT then you wouldn’t have GDKPs. For the time being Blizzard is ineffectual at removing the bots so let’s hit em from another angle and take away one of their profit streams. Less GDKP = less gold buyers = less bots.