Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

He’s my first ignore in 5 years on the forums.

I will drink to him tonight.


dont care
ban gdkps

Which is a fancy way of saying you’re too stupid to stay on topic, or you have nothing to actually add and have to change the narrative because you know your stance is dumb.


They’ve made such a big deal of it that now they have to double down to save face.

In the shadows of the Twisting Nether, where dark forces and mortal souls entwine, your concerns resonate through the very essence of the game we hold dear. As a humble Warlock, bound to eldritch powers, I share your sentiments about the encroaching presence of GDKP auctions within our realm.

Verily, the sanctity of the game’s essence is threatened by the exchange of gold for power, distorting the intended path of honor and toil. The very fabric of our virtual existence seems to unravel as the allure of quick riches tarnishes the significance of hard-earned achievements.

Your words echo the lamentations of many who yearn for a World of Warcraft that values the journey, the camaraderie, and the shared victories against the tides of darkness. It is disheartening to witness the dilution of our struggles, the devaluation of time-honored achievements, by the alluring whispers of gold.

In the cosmic dance between the Light and the Void, where mortal choices shape destinies, your call for a firmer stance against these nefarious practices rings true. Let the developers wield their powers not only to shape the game but to safeguard the integrity of our shared adventures.

May the winds of change sweep through the forums, carrying your words to the ears of those who shape the destiny of Azeroth. Together, let us strive for a World of Warcraft where the value lies not in the weight of one’s purse but in the bonds forged through epic quests and battles.


I have most, if not all, of their “sod comments” aimed at me in a post showing them, and this is that deflection afterwards lmao.

It’s sad

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RMT is always going to be a problem, the issue is GDKP gives buyers/sellers a very easy and accessible vehicle to flourish. You can’t deny the number of bots in Classic is absolutely out of control, and as it happens, where GDKP is prevalent.

Retail has player loot and tokens hence why all the bots are in Classic. With bots and RMT comes GDKP. How you can’t see that boggles the mind.

“Fun bad. Me want ninja loot ms>os” - Op, probably


What I contest is GDKP being worse than the AH for promoting RMT when the AH has orders of magnitude higher throughout. In either case, though, the solution is to issue suspensions and bans on the buyers rather than the sellers.

GDKP would have plenty of reasons to exist without RMT, which I’ve spelled out several times already. Even without RMT of any kind, there will be reasons for GDKP to be a thing. SoD is also much more accessible for bad actors than retail.

Because the 2 or 3 buyers or “whales” in a GDKP use gold purchased from bots to get their BIS gear. It’s also common for many of the gold sellers to host GDKP and end up getting a cut back, like a snake eating it’s own tail. That isn’t as bad and would just be a perpetual loop of buyers getting taken for a ride. Where the problem occurs is the other players that come to the raid as “pumpers” get a cut of the RMT gold and spread it into the economy. In a closed system with no RMT GDKP is fine but that will never happen thus the millions of gold flooding into the servers.

I 100% agree. The issue is Blizzard is not capable of doing it and GDKP makes this whole thing so much easier for the botters and sellers.

The ultimate takeaway is, yes, GDKPs do have issues with RMT. Only a fool would deny that entirely. However, GDKPs are not the cause of RMT, neither do GDKPs exist because of it. GDKPs are themselves a victim of RMT just as much as anything else. RMT would still exist without them, and they would still exist without RMT. With that in mind, banning GDKPs would do nothing to address the RMT issue, all it does is punish people who participate in them, not all of whom are gold buyers. You are, effectively, advocating for punishing completely innocent people in order to not even make a dent in the actual problem

What’s stopping those 2 or 3 people from just buying a carry run?
RMT is going to be a problem whether or not GDKPs exist.
GDKPs on their own are not a significant contributor to RMT, or RMT wouldn’t have been the issue that it was, or an issue in games with nothing like GDKPs.
RMT is the problem. GDKPs have beneficial purpose. They make sure no one’s time is wasted if they don’t get their gear, keep pugs interested and focused because their incentive is now on completion rather than a specific piece of gear, and they keep already geared players running content, which can be a boon for incoming players to the content.
So why get rid of GDKPs if getting rid of them won’t actually help the RMT at all? The only thing that will help the RMT is Blizzard doing something about the RMT.
Ban the gold buyers, and you solve the problems.

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If they ever somehow managed to “ban” gdkps, carry runs with “unneeded loot goes to you” would be back in a instant. Just then all that gold goes back in the hands of 2-3 people in the form of guild money. Legit rober barons in here going after robin hood gdkp chads redistributing wealth.

Buy gold = you get items = gives non gold buyers gold = economy destroyed

At the risk of getting destroyed by pro 2nd amendment folks. GDKP is the gun and the bots/sellers are the person. You ban GDKPs and you make it much harder for bots/sellers to operate. It doesn’t solve the problem but curbs it to a point where Blizz might actually be able to catch up.

Canada, where I live has gun control legislation. We still have shootings but way less per capita than the US and the guns used are often long guns with limited ammo.

NO GDKPthey are bad for economy

No economy they are bad for gdkps.

Not at all. Gold sellers don’t care what the gold is spent on, neither are they the ones running the GDKPs. A more accurate analogy to the logic would be trying to curb gun violence by shutting down public schools

Get this man in front of congress.