Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

No it doesn’t.

Bots create deflation, which is why raid consumables are always down in prices.

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They also don’t seem to understand GDKP runs are killing the same bosses with the same loot tables and same drop rates as anyone else.

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No, I’m tired of troggs coming in, claiming we’re all gold buyers while on a high horse, using RMT as a catch all shield to attack gdkps, while ignoring any and all other aspects of this “dangerous and awful RMT”.

You are cope filled.

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that depends. sometimes logs get corrupted because of DCs or the website throws out logs because of unreadable data.

Oh yeah, how could I forget, I was the exception. It was only me. I was the only one who couldn’t buy glaives in a gdkp. Unfortunate since gdkp automatically drops all the best loot all the time for everyone.

im sure your gdkps are completely void of people who rmt

dont care
ban gdkps

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Or you know I seen GDKPs and how people recruit for them and it’s exclusively people looking for ‘buyers’. It’s not some meet up where a bunch of elite players turn up and need to exchange gold for some reason. It’s good players carrying bad ones that buy gold. It’s directly profiting off of gold buying. Go ahead and try tell me people don’t insist you ‘flash gold in trade’. Then I’ll know you’re coping.


Proves my point entirely. You people don’t actually care about RMT. You people just want to be carried for free.

bfd is so hard

dont care
ban gdkps


every single player probably has bot gold in their bags

Just gonna throw this out there, I played with this Drinknblink guy some years ago. And I can tell you from experience this guy hasn’t changed a bit. He’s a decent player, but he’s horrible to play with and ruins the experience of any run he’s in cause he’s a condescending jerk to everyone around him. No one liked him then, and it doesn’t look like that’s changed at all. Some people never learn.

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Bots make gold, they sell this gold to players who proceed to overspend on items and services. This diminishes the spending power of gold. This causes inflation.

YOURE LEVEL 25 IN A 10 MAN “”“”“”““RAID””“”“”“” OF BFD.


you’re just unbelievably dumb.


on lockout

dont care
ban gdkps

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curse you drug-based treatment model!!!

it’s clearly biotechnology ethics at issue here

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Wait is he the guy who had that name in the thread complaining about it being zucc’d? I dont remember the OP.

I mean are you still trying to insist that staying on topic which is GDKP discussion is ‘ignoring other aspects’. I’ve told you many many times now that I want RMT in general gone but you just willfully ignore that and go repeating the same dribble over and over. Kinda insane.

Lockouts reset today, bout to go make a butt load.

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demand causes inflation more.

you’ve clearly never played and experienced high pop vs low pop servers.

on servers that need alot of something that isnt plenty. that is why its expensive. for example in classic.

Black lotus was insanely expensive on certain servers. not because of bots. but because it was limited and 20,000 people need a flask

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It literally doesn’t… Somebody buying a ring doesn’t magically make raid consumables cost more that’s not how any of this works.

The bots keep supply higher than demand no matter how much gold is spent in a gdkp since supply is higher than demand prices drop.