Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

True, but any raid leader worth his salt should be inspecting the winner and ensuring he needs it. But even I have been duped. Some dude just put bracers of valour on and I caught him in Org with his T2 bracers on and the other raider next to him with the T1’s.

I understand your desire there but that’s not a fault in MS>OS system that’s you wanting more loot to go PvP. Would it be fair if a DPS Warrior to roll on the shield you need because he tanks in AV or runs the flag in WSG? I wouldn’t think so. The same system protecting them is protecting you. PvP has always been regarded as OS from my experience.

GDKP seems to just favour people who want all the loot and if they have enough gold there is nothing stopping them. And just as there is people out there doing scam rolls, there is people out there paying to win (not saying you are if you did honestly farm your gold for your GDKP’s). I personally hate them both.

Of coarse not people want his gold lol. But at the end of the run you did state that if they got a grey parse they get no gold. That’s just as bad.

Id let a person who isn’t great DPS roll. But if you have done like 2 MS’s, a couple of HS’s, no shout and mostly just white damage. I would be asking what the hell is going on.

At this point. Let them ban Gdkps and than anyone that’s thinks that will stop rmt will finally realize Gdkps aren’t the boogey man they think they are. Also have fun finding any raid groups once the server has progressed past people needing gear. No is doing MC for fun

I get the feeling you haven’t if you’ve never seen arguments about who got what.

I was going to say the same thing. You know what kept players from dropping out of runs in Vanilla? They’d lose their Raid slot and possibly lose points in whatever loot system the Guild was using.

Vanilla’s ecosystem was built around Guilds for good and bad. That social fabric encouraged team play in the best case scenarios while also bringing out some bad actors in the worst cases.

The only argument I see for GDKP’s is about how they benefit PUGs which should be the last thing Blizz should care about in Classic WOW.

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Yeah while you’re at it ban loot council! Why should support classes be denied the their bis gear just because they’re not the meta dps class!

It’s appalling that you can allow individuals who may not have a clue about class mechanics other than their own make the decision of who can have what loot!

nice false equivelency

dont care
ban gdkps

Every. Bit. As. Valid.

Indeed, enjoy your MC binding + onslaught/accuira HR runs lol. These people didn’t play classic, and they def didn’t play pservers.

And even if blizz banned it, I’d still be selling loot. Have fun trying to stop guilds selling extra tier or leafs/eyes/xbows lmao

none of your points are

dont care
ban gdkps

i always do

dont care
ban gdkps

report him for spam/trolling and move on.

the irony is hilarious

dont care
ban gdkps

Why? Is your bloodline weak? Narcing to the feds is never okay. Plus it’s great content. Don’t tell me the best perk of these forums isn’t watching two man children go at it .

they are eating their own now

dont care
ban gdkps

Man should have standards. Reporting or blocking is to admit no fire in your soul.

the irony. my sides.

dont care
ban gdkps

Yes. It’s why I’ve been here much longer and will be here far after you. I will miss the fire on the forums in later phases though. Tourists never stay for long and they’re the most fun to argue with. A shame.

i know, youve been shilling gdkps here since 19’ brother

dont care
ban gdkps

What is GDKP??

gold dragon king points
again the irony.

dont care
ban gdkps