Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

i dont think you are

dont care
ban gdkps

I’m not. Never ever =).

yes you are

dont care
ban gdkps

Sorry, no. Never ever!

You’re super sussy…. You sound like a gold seller.

never say never kiddo

dont care
ban gdkps

This man dosent know about Imagine caring blinkin.

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I will! Blizzard will never be able to stop me from selling loot for gold!

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you cannot imagine

dont care
ban gdkps

GDKP STATUS: not banned

Anti gdkp status: butt blasted


your on lockout

dont care
ban gdkps

Loot council, yeah that stuff can get corrupt as hell depending on the people running it.

But can you explain how you think MS>OS corrupt?

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It’s only corrupt in the way that if it’s truly MS > OS, one guy can get 9 pieces and other people can get none.

People just steal the loot or give it to their friends. Also if im tanking a raid its bs Im not allowed to roll on a 2h sword. Its also lame I cant heal and roll on dps gear. Then you have 3 guys all rolling on gear so they can give it to their friend. Very corrupt way of doing tradable loot. If I go to a gdkp and i lose a bid im not upset bc at least ill get my cut at the end. Also, if a player is afk most of the raid and wins something over me in a ms>os thats a bad feeling. Most gdkps gray parsers get no cut which means i get more gold because they didnt press their buttons.

I don’t get the feeling you’ve done a lot of MS > OS raids.

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wow nice projection onto fair looting systems

dont care
ban gdkps

Why is that? Do you know me? No, you dont. I have been a part of all different types of runs and they suck compared to gdkp which is why i run them in the first place. People realized all this in 2020 when gdkp became popular, where were you? There is no argument any other loot system is more fair.

There’s plenty of arguments for more fair loot systems. The best I’ve seen is a 2 SR system with points accumlated through raids. You use those points to boost your rolls. It allows for people new to the raid to have a pretty good chance at getting stuff while giving people that have raided tons of times a slightly better chance at winning the loot. Gives people reason to come back, and incentivizes new players to come into the raid. Only gold needed is the gold you need for consumes. If you don’t perform, you don’t get invited back.

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Yeah we MS>OS but we also do it by roll. If its for your main spec you can roll. If no one rolls then it goes to OS roll.

But on that same hand if someone in a GDKP has way more gold than every one else can he not just buy all the loot and the other guy get none?

Was this directed at me?

The latter point was not directed at you.

And yeah, if one guy has a ton of gold that he “honestly earned”, he’ll be able to buy all the loot he wants and no one else gets anything but gold in return. Depending on your situation you either wasted a lockout or found a way to afford consumes.