People buy gold, they pay a crap ton of gold for whatever they want. The gold gets spread between the people in the raid. The people in the raid that didn’t buy gold just got a stupid amount of gold. At least a handful of these people use this ill-gotten gold to buy consumes or whatever else, sometimes they buy everything out. People repost things for stupid high prices. People with the GDKP gold don’t really care how much they have to pay for whatever they’re buying from the AH, because they have so much, so they pay whatever the price is for whatever they need. The prices skyrocket because for everything from BoEs to consumes because of this. Now the only way to afford consumes is to either buy gold or go to GDKPs and hope a big “buyer” comes in and pays a stupid amount for an item so they can afford consumes for whatever else they’re doing. Eventually, after this has gone on long enough, the primary way to make gold to afford things is to either cheat or to go to GDKPs or run them yourself. After this goes on long enough, the primary raid you said being run in general is a GDKP. Now all you have is GDKPs and a select amount of LC and SR runs that can’t get going because all the people that are actually trying are only doing GDKPs because they need to use their lockouts to afford consumes.