Was the same deal with me and the fire challenge. I sucked at fire back then (and still do tbh) lols. But damn that was worth it, the fire mage tower appearance is one of the better ones.
A few months ago my friend was disappointed he couldn’t get the mage tower bear form for druid (he wanted to match bears with me in raids!) and he expressed it a bit with his guild and they immediately started to tell him to basically “stuff it and deal with it” in a pretty rude manner. I get it, it’s an exclusive for legion, but he can still be a little sad about it.
Scale the content to proper level like they do other stuff like time walking for example, problem solved.
Except Legion classes and BfA classes aren’t the same and scaling them would be borderline impossible. Not to mention they’d have to go back every single expansion to make sure it’s properly tuned. I just don’t see that ever happening.
ah yes the wow forums, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
No, it’s not. I use the Grizzlemaw bear form as an example. I spent a pretty decent amount of time when the mage tower was first released trying to figure out how best to tackle it on my druid. With a lot of practice and trial and error I got it and now I get to flex it with raids and stuff, as a way to say “I spent some time in a previous expansion to get something that isn’t available anymore” (bonus points since I have the version for killing heroic KJ!)
It’s meant to be special and unique. If everyone was able to unlock it now, it wouldn’t be so special anymore now would it? However, I wouldn’t be opposed to periodic events where you could unlock it again for a period of time.
Different class design, no legendaries for Legion and every time Blizz drops a patch they’d have to make sure the classes are still balanced properly for things like Legion. I’d rather they continue creating content in SL instead of looking back at older expansions.
That too.
Good luck getting the Affliction one done without a certain ring.
I believe Petty is the right term.
The actual challenge is quite divorced from the reward; they are in no way intertwined.
Just make something equivalent; doesn’t have to be the exact same encounter.
Sort of like how M’uru was hard at 70 and Yogg Saron+1 Light or Firefighter were hard at 80.
I dont mean to rag on you, but … is everyone so literal on these forums lol
I am sad I missed out in the plagued proto Drake but I didn’t play in wrath so I don’t deserve that mount. But that sounds fair enough to me. you can always go back and earn mounts, achievements and pets. Normally much easier or trivial then it was when it was current.
There’s nothing wrong with being sad about it, I’m sad about my proto Drake but that does not mean you should add it back into the game and trivialized the accomplishments of people who did it when it was current.
The amount of hours I put in to grind PVP rating which I am very bad at just to get to seasonal mount and my current transmog is honestly a joke. But I did it, I work my way up made friends and join communities and then I got my seasonal mount and transmog. If someone went back later and just bought this elite PVP gear from a vendor, I would feel like I wasted my time
If we applied your logic here, nobody should be allowed to xmog anything from past expansions. It was special and unique to those players that could do mythics!
Kinda does. Why did I have to suffer through the seriously hard one when others get to go through the ez pz one?
Where are you getting that the newer one would be easier?
Blizzard has caused alot of it. Things like pathfinder gating, constantly ignoring feedback, and like you said constantly taking things away just name some of it.
Why would you get the same reward for doing a different challenge? Personally would rather get a new cosmetic.
Because they would have to tune them much differently, and pretty much change the encounters themselves.
No true at all. I can sneeze and kill arthas in less than 5 secs. Put the drakes back into nax with a .1% drop rate like invincible. They should not be on the black market.
Why are others entitled to our earned exclusives?
Do other games complain when they miss unique stuff that’s now gone I wonder.
You misunderstand; I am suggesting a different encounter entirely with a roster of rewards, old and new, so players must make choices. OR, it would take someone newer more time to acquire everything.