Why are WoW players so spiteful?

Because people HAVE to be special in some way, even if its a stupid mount in a video game. Threaten their specialness and they freak out.


I take it we’re talking about exclusives and content? If yes then it’s part of the MMO experience that the world is forever a changing thing. If people are wanting to do it to partake in the lore then sure but if there are any items associated with it then it should remain gone imo.

But with the living world thing examples I can think of are the Legion invasions prelaunch event. It made sense because it was meant to serve as a lore connection between WoD to Legion through endgame means. And it makes sense lore wise that there isn’t a Legion invasion happening in Azshara.

Personally, I don’t think there’s a big reason to fuss about what’s gone in terms of transmog. Content being gone, sure. But there’s tons of transmog to pull from.

Video games were way better before pandering and big cash money got involved. If people still want to fight to keep something they enjoy from becoming a flavourless mush for accessibility and profit, they always should.

Everything that happened to movies is going to happen to this industry next, already started.

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I find it frustrating to see post after post of people wanting handouts.
EX: Blizz should give “A”. Why can’t i get “B” now?, why do i need to do “c” to get “d”…

In the end, the game will suffer because everything will be reduced to the simplest expression and will become a boredom fest.

I don’t know who you are but as a person who earned each Pathfinder achievement when they were current, i couldn’t give a damn if a new player gets them all right up until the current expansion, it makes their leveling experience so much nicer, why on earth would i want to see someone suffer a crappy leveling experience just because they should have to do what we did?

Such an awful way of thinking, once an expansion is over, a person (new or returning) should be able to breeze through most stuff so they can get up to current content and enjoy it with the rest of us.


Define small, it seems you’re asking for things that were marketed/advertised as being limited time be returned. That’s not small, either you didn’t earn them when they were available or weren’t around. If either of those were the case then you’re sol. Just as it is with any exclusive prizes or rewards in real life.

These kind of rewards are normal and healthy for a mmorpg. Limited time/Exclusive rewards should remain exclusive/limited time.


I mean…I’d understand if said mount did something that the others didn’t in game wise. Like fly faster or have some kind of combat ability tied to them. But at the end of the day it’s just a cosmetic of how you’re going to essentially ignore gravity.

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Apparently anybody who is a forum regular are automaticly soically awkward if they even so much to disagree slightly with you. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But i digress.

Plus the topic of “I worked for this and therefore we shouldn’t “give” it away”, or that whole can of monkeys… well depends on what the context of the situation were talking about and it varries from person to person on what they think what should stay exclusive and what doesn’t.

I don’t honestly care that new players can get Allied races in 1/10 of the time and effort i put into them. I mean theirs always going to be people that will put half the effort in that you did and still achieved the same results, that’s just video games in general. Plus the Allied races (most of them) look pretty great and has some neato racials (again, most of them). And it does make me kinda happy that more people are playing my favorite races. One of them being the Zandalari Trolls. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If were talking about Microtransactions however… get out of here with that. Video games don’t need more of that poop. If i were in charge in the entire video game industry, i would just make MTX require an Adults only rating and be done with it. :roll_eyes:

I concur.


Flight is a luxury, not a requirement. Leveling is going to be speedier then it is currently so there is no logical reason you need flight in draenor.

The point still stands. Why bother with putting effort into anything in this game? Might as well just wait till its all handed out for free. Nothing to work towards.

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Because these people are human beings. No difference here than anywhere else in the world

Having something while it’s current is where it’s at, once the expansion’s over who cares? To me it’s the equivalent of getting a new toy but looking back at another kid who’s about to play with your old toy and being mad about it lol

If the terrain was how it was pre-WoD i’d kind of agree but ever since WoD the terrain is just awful and it’s bad enough to literally turn people off playing the game so i’m happy for them to breeze through all of that crap and get to where it matters and the rewards are actually worth the slog.

I tend to look at what could potentially hurt the game and i think that your way of thinking could see new or returning players abandoning the game before they even get to level cap.

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One person’s luxury is another person’s requirement.


Removing content from a paid service to make a few people feel special in their empty lives is stupid. Nothing this game has to offer is breath taking or extravagant. I see more people xmogged into t3 than DH running around these days. Scarab mount, yawwwwwn.

Imagine buying sims at this very moment and finding out after you install and log in that you can’t make buildings because you didn’t play the game from day 1.


The Pathfinder thing I can understand because leveling is fundamentally changing in Shadowlands. Folks will be able to choose WoD or Legion as their leveling path from the very beginning and it would make sense to let folks fly there as soon as they can. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any traffic in those areas, as everyone would just go to the expansions where they can fly.

As far as the exclusive items go, they’re basically thank yous from Blizz for supporting the game and subbing during that period. Those are fine to have in the game. Why do you guys think you’re entitled to those if you didn’t bother playing back then?


Then why does it matter if some of it is exclusive?


No, It would be more like I buy The Sims and I can’t use one special purple wall because they were from a limited offer, but i still have access to several other purple walls.

Part of a missing storyline from a dated expansion doesn’t mean the entire expansion doesn’t function anymore, like your no building at all example.

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I didn’t realize my life was empty 'cause I managed to get a few transmogs and mounts during current content.



How that is what you deduced from the OP is beyond me. Them’s some special comprehension skills.

I am with you OP - prestige rewards - done at the appropriate difficulty, or done at an equivalent difficulty should be a thing. Like why wasn’t there a BFA mage tower where both past and new rewards can be earned?

I also have several rare items no longer available in game and I’d be fine if people still had a shot at them.

you’ll pay for these insults!

Busted my undead booty to learn sub for those appearances and got all 3 specs. I was so proud of myself. now I got something challenging and exclusive makes me feel good. Just like when I am riding around in my keystone master mount, soon that will be a very exclusive mount

Edit: because I can’t proof read lol

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