Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

I remember in Cata, after I did the Goblin intro for the first time…

I was so angry at Thrall. Thrall basically let Gallywix get away with every thing he did. I figured the Goblin Player would kill Gallywix then and there.

But as time went on…. I grew to love that miserable jerk.

As much as I like him…. his replacement in BfA was long over due.

Gallywix is probably the most fun and funny Goblin character there is. It never made sense to be on his side, and that was the fun of it.

Good night, sweet trade prince.


Has the Horde lost more characters to death overall? No.
Has the Horde lost more to death from the highest rank? Yes.

The Alliance has had more big memorable character go neutral.
The Alliance has lost more cities.

The problem is when people try to pull this ‘Horde is a victim’ crap they have to ignore all the things the other side lost in order to justify the victim card.

At the end of the day both sides have lost a lot. You find the Horde has lost more of what matters to you. But others will feel differently. And that is fine, it is subjective. But trying to pretend your side is the targeted victim is just stupid.

Wow, just wow. Did you even read my most.

They, as in Tyrande and Malfurion combined, were not.

However, as I said in the rest of my post Tyrande absolutely was one of the leaders with Staghelm.

Malfurion was not a racial leader until after Staghelm was removed. In Vanilla Staghelm and Tyrande were joint leaders. After Staghelm was removed and until they retired at the end of DF Malfurion and Tyrande lead the Kaldori jointly.

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Lots of delusions. I will answer properly when I am back home.

It’s not about being a victim or not, but when it’s time for an alliance character to die, he simply runs away, survives and for some reason comes back stronger later. This happened in Dazar’alor with Jaina and Mekkatorque, none of the alliance leaders die, while the horde loses Rastakhan.
All factions lose something, I agree with you on that, but for some reason the horde is always losing more.


This statement is just going to get you a list of all the Alliance cities that have been destroyed, and you know, they have a fair point about that.

I don’t think trying to make this into a competition is going to lead anywhere useful. Both sides have separate and equally legitimate grievances that balance each other out.


I always enjoy when people- usually Alliance stans - go on and on about Staghelm and Benedictus, as if anyone knew or cared or liked them to begin with, or as if they were as important to the setting and the Player Base as Characters like Kaelthas and Rastakhan- people who were at the door step of the Horde and died while their races joined it. Much less actual Horde Characters like Cairne.

They talk about losing some characters to neutrality… ostensibly mad about sharing with the Horde. While Horde Characters like Gallywix and Sylvanas actually become enemies.


I beg of thee, don’t.

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well, you’re right about that. i’ll just fly away from here before gnome finishes typing.


Sassy Hardwrench. Yeah she was always my pick too. She was the one who actually came up with all the plans during the starting zone.

The way the questline went the most logical choice was making the player take over, especially because literally at the start, before the volcano even erupts, Sassy and your other goblin friends are saying “Let’s get you promoted to trade prince!” But then it’s like Blizzard realized that wouldn’t work logistically (which yeah, it wouldn’t), but instead of doing the smart thing and giving Sassy the job they made the absolutely bizarre decision to stick with Gallywix.


That just isn’t true. That has been objectively disproven.

I think this is your real problem. As already established you have a VERY strong visceral hatred of Jaina. Her not dying has you angry and you are projecting.

Staghelm very much died, as a villain no less.

Varian very much did die.

Objectively false.

The Horde has lost more THAT YOU CARE ABOUT. Which makes sense because you only care about the Horde. But, it has not lost more.

The Alliance has lost characters Alliance fans care about. The Alliance has lost CITIES full of characters.

Stop trying to play the victim.

I really wish more people could accept that simple fact.

There you go.

Sure, you ‘Horde stans’ have lost more YOU care about. But you only care about the Horde, so that is always going to be the case. The Alliance can’t lose more you see value to because you don’t see value to anything the Alliance has.

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I agree. She was a MUCH better option.

Also, Goblins having a leader named ‘Sassy’ would have been epic. :wink:


By the gods I wish she became the cartel leader. She still gets super excited when she sees us goblin players and calls us boss.


Right now I am not sure which Cartel I am going to focus on, it will likely depend on rewards. But, if she was a Cartel leader it would be that one first no matter what.

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I always really liked how the Lost Isles cast continued into Azshara. Some of them are quest givers but even if they’re just standing around Bilgewater Harbor doing nothing they’re still there. Sassy, as well as the player’s friends Ace and Izzy, also show up in Undermine. They’re minor NPCs still but they recognize you and it felt really nice to have them be excited to see me again.


More nonsense from you.

To further show how wrong you are… Varian is mentioned quite often by “Horde Posters.” Most Horde posters will say “other than Varian… the Alliance hasn’t lost characters of note”

You act as if people can’t play both Factions and appreciate both.

I can say the Alliance lost one character to the Horde’s bajillion. I don’t deny that the Alliance has important characters that mean something - Varian being the example. However, I think putting Benedictus and Staghelm on the level of Cairne or Sylvanas is dishonest and laughable.


Bolded the key part. The issue is most of those Horde posters don’t care about Alliance characters. They only acknowledge Varian because ignoring THE leader of the Alliance death is to obvious.

Lots can, and do. I just find that the ones screaming ‘only my side lost stuff worth anything’ are the ones that didn’t.

Which would be patently false.

How about putting them on level with the likes of:

Which were among those used as ‘proof’ of Horde losses.

And I could also say putting the likes of Cairne or Sylvanas on the same level as Theramore or Teldrassil is dishonest and laughable. Do you see the problem?

When you try to pretend that only your side has had valuable loses you are only using what you think of as valuable.

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I see a problem with your logic.

To use a tired old line… it is apples and oranges.

A discussion about fictional characters and their role in the story can be had, I think.

Then someone says “well the Alliance lost cities!”

Like… ok. We were talking about characters, not some ancient blood tally of all wrongs ever committed.

So I think people bringing up cities in a discussion thread about characters isn’t even the same comparison.

You want a Horde poster to say Theramore and Teldrassil were most likely more fatal as far as nameless characters and loss of places to be in game, compared to Camp Taurajo? Ok. Not really relevant as far as a character discussion.

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I also like her, BUT she dont have the little “Warcraft 3” mark on her! Unlike Gazlow, which they seem they are slowly retconing to make him part of Bilgwater Cartel, even thought he always was a Steamwiddle, and well, normaly all of them, be it Gadgetzan, Everlook, Ratchet and Booty Bay were part of Steamweedle cartel, but seems like they going to have their own stuff soon…

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I didn’t want him dead tbh. He’s yet another former Horde leader we need to kill.

We’re trying to kill him because I’ve wanted to kill him since the goblin starting zone fifteen years ago. Because I love goblins but for the entire time since Thrall saved him from us he’s perpetually been a “what would you say you do here?” faction leader who even let himself get out-cutthroated in MoP by the Blackfuse Company, so he’s not even that good of an evil businessman!