Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

I mean, if you are going to put Rezan, i can also put the wild gods from war of the ancients lmao…

She is not dead thought.

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No…she is… undead…dun…Dun…DUUUNN!

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I call you when rommath and liadrin are dead too. Cool RTS petsonalities is for the alliance only.

Then you have not actually checked.

Also, he put Nazgrim while ignoring the the direct mirror of Taylor died off screen. And Nazgrim came back as a Horseman while Taylor is a ghost in the WoD Garrison.

He is not being remotely sincere, is completely oblivious, or far more likely both.


Only because the writers decided this was going to happen. They didn’t have to write that. I’m really, really tired of Horde leaders turning villain (before or after leaving the Horde) and having to be put down.


Anduin and Bolvar

Yep nothing changed

Varian was the sole loss the alliance ever had while all the Horde has left is Thrall and his stupid Family.

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Good thing he was a villain from the get go. No turning him into a villain.


Thank you for confirming that it is both a lack of sincerity AND ignorance.

Let me help get you started. A couple that went villain and then died:

Then we have ones like Taylor, who mirrored Nazgrim and was killed off screen to ‘balance’ things. And incidentally Nazgrim was resurrected, Taylor was not.

Or how the LARGE list of deaths in Theramore. Including General Marus who had been a staple of Stormwind.

How about all the deaths in Darkshore and leading to Teldrassil.

Which brings us to the elephant in the room. How many cities have the Horde completely lost again?

See the point? You probably wont, so let me spell it out. The Alliance has lost quite a few characters AND has lost major cities. Pretending the Horde has a monopoly on losses is idiotic.


I’m also tired of the horde characters being turned into villains, but in this specific case, he was always a villain, maybe his actions were just more subtle.


no racial leader, or really important character. If we’re going to talk about secondary characters that the horde has already lost, we’ll be here for the rest of the year (and it’s just started).

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Only truly subtle to the people who never played goblins or never saw him outside the meme takes of him.


I say subtle in relation to how things were after BFA. but he was always a horrible person who even leaves the player (goblin) on the starting island to die. he was already bad, he just became much worse.

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Yup, which shows me a lot of people never even played the starting area for goblins to know how much of a villain he always was. I mean, the whole starting area is about the player character trying to overthrow him because of how much the Bilgewater are over his greedy nature, even by goblin standards.


Most Goblins are either horrible people or a walking comic relief

In addition to Varian, which he mentioned, Staghelm was absolutely a racial leader.

So, yes the Alliance has had racial leaders killed.

Plus HE listed a bunch of non-racial leaders and said the Alliance didn’t have comparable.

You are being disingenuous.

Again, stop pretending the Horde has a monopoly on loss. It is demonstrably false.

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Not really. Thrall defanged him after the goblin starting zone and some of his portrayals pre-BfA bordered on heroic. People forget he opposed the first faction war and went out of his way to hobble Garrosh even before the rebellion; his genuine toadying to the next evil warchief always struck me as a simplification of the character.

Guy’s toast now, though. There’s nothing left to salvage.

He’s most certainly was not. Tyrande and Malfurion were the racial leaders of the kaldorei at that time


Fandral was at most a temporary replacement, and that was because he was trapping Malfurion in the Emerald Nightmare.

in the Horde we have already lost. Saurfang, Garrosh, Sylvanas, Vol’jin, Rastakhan, Cairne. While the alliance only the Varyan.
The strong and memorable characters of the Horde die, while in the Alliance everyone remains alive and strong.


No they weren’t.

In Vanilla Malfurion was asleep and unreachable. He lead nothing. Tyrande and Staghelm lead the Kaldorei jointly.

Tyrande was leader of the Sentinels and thus the military.
Staghelm was leader of the Circle.

They shared leadership of the Kaldorei, even though they disagreed and clashed on numerous issues.

He was a racial leader.


Yes. Yes they were. Tyrande most certainly was