It was always neutral and stopped aiding the Horde the moment they lost the war. Goblins are not a Horde core race. Otherwise I demand to remove Darkspear and give us Amani instead.
There is still forest trolls in the horde since the second war: the Raventusk tribes, which was part of the Amani Empire, so you do have amani in the horde still.
And well, Gilneas did the same with the Alliance, they left the Alliance after the second war, returned in Cata.
And well, you can say “ho no they were neutral” when you play war2 you have goblin units as your horde units.
In this patch the main story line follows Gazlowe and Gallywix.
Also, this patch adds a lot of Goblin lore. The first patch added basically no racial lore for the Alliance.
No there wasn’t. There was development of a couple characters.
This patch has both character development and racial development.
Your argument is:
Thrall was present and did a little bit in the first patch. Doesn’t count
Just having Renzik present counts.
If you were to apply the same standard then the first patch was not Alliance since the factions you deal with are neutral.
Privilege is invisible to those who have it.
Yeah, its why the Horde fans are starting to get annoyed just now! Because for once they are not the focus!
I think this is actually your problem. The Horde has been at the focus so much that when there is one patch that they are not you freaked. And the patch they are back to the focus just seems like the normal state you were used to and you can’t recognize it as Horde focus.
The Horde stopped getting any focus after WoD.
Thanks for providing a example.
Please don’t conflate “horde fan” and Ere, it’s very insulting XD
Retroactively Legion is a Horde expansion, since Highmountain and Nightborne joined the Horde.
It wasn’t the Horde that defeated Argus
Yes it was
I saw nothing but alliance leaders in the last cutscene.
What? Why would this definish if its horde or alliance focused?
Undermine is not a Horde capital, and the vast majority of goblins are not Horde affiliated, but the driver of this content is primarily Gazlowe, and the cultural relevance of goblins is definitely a primarily Horde theme.
By this logic the Horde beat Sargeras since there’s a cutscene of Horde leaders having a feast after he’s sealed.
A lot of you just need to read this post and you’ll understand.
Kage, you’re my hiro once more!!
So that is what we are reduced to? “Retroactive” involvement? That idea that this is even a claim is a testament to how the Horde is ignored.
Behold my “pearls” of “wisdom”
But gaze ye not overlong. Hark! Lest ye go blind and develop an unhealthy obsession with Wilford Brimley.
Alliance partisans love their priviliges more then anything else.