Which is frankly just silly. Is Eversong Woods now retroactively Alliance content because void elves now exist? Ghostlands? Do we all get to look at Uldaman and say “this is faction-based content now” because Earthen exist? Is Vanilla Silverpine Alliance content because it had worgen? “Retroactive faction content” is just a silly concept.
And… It doesn’t even work for Legion!! If we’re gonna pick that nit, then Aszuna and Val’sharah are “Alliance”, and the Broken Shore too. And Argus is very heavily Alliance.
I get taking easy shots at Everine, but let’s keep it to valid arguments.
You advocate for a return of the Horde to being a bunch of genocidal demon-worshipping slaves. We might want similar things, but for very, very, very different reasons and endgoals.
You know why the Horde won the war against the Draenei? They were united. Old Horde lost the war against the alliance ciz Doomhammer split the army three times.
And all I want is my murder puppies to get some story love and more dragon stories. I’m big on dragon stories. Love ‘em.
I think the problem we all run into, and it;s something I think we ALL tend to forget. And that is that WoW is made up of many people who all want a good story, but what makes up that Good Story is going to vastly differ from person to person.
The old horde didn’t even drink Mammoraths blood when they massacred the draenei. That happened after I believe. And they lost because Gul’dan betrayed the horde at the last moment, just when the Doomhammer was on the brink of sieging Lordaeron and deliver a blow that would’ve crippled the alliance
Proving that ultimately, the Old Horde was a failed nationstate, whose only success was the same as the New Horde’s; attacking an unsuspecting, unprepared enemy. And they needed demon masters to do it.
The Old Horde and New Horde both fail at war follow-through, and you want the one that couldn’t even stick around for ten whole years and got beat all the way back to Draenor.
You want the objectively least successful version of the Horde.
He complains just for the sake of it, sad it once before and will say it again. Dude hates the horde more than the alliance to the point he only likes the sterotype of the horde.
Like I said a few posts up, we all have our ideas on what we consider a Good Story. But him? He’s just objectively wrong about pretty much everything that he posts.
Blizzard essentially confirmed that Doomhamer sending half his army after Gul’dan sealed their defeat. Thrall continued this tradition cuz his friendship wit Jaina is more important to him then winning.
Blizzard also confirmed their defeat was always sealed the second they sided with the Burning Legion. The Legion never wins a land war on Azeroth. They can only ever lose.
Just like the Old Horde.
Winning what?
Under Thrall, the Horde was never defeated. It’s only when Garrosh took over that they lost, because Garrosh continued the time-honored traditions of the Old Horde by fostering betrayal among the Horde. Same with Sylvanas.
Thrall and Vol’jin led the most successful iterations of the Horde. Everyone else starts fights they inevitably lose.
You just want the Horde to be losing losers who lose all the time.
Thrall just wanted his people to thrive and reconnect with their roots. WoW was at its best when Thrall and Jaina were the only adults in the room (broadly speaking; I know there were others) trying to rein in the Ereviens of their respective factions. That dynamic provided a big enough tent for spectrums of personality types, rather than monolithic depictions we get now.