Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

Seriously though, we’re visiting a horde capital, with horde NPCs and horde cartels that are somehow no longer horde and switched to the alliance if we’re to believe certain people here

I guess Midnight will no longer be horde content according to this community because Alleria will dare to show up :dracthyr_uwu:

Edit: Again, I want to reiterate this, I am making FUN of this entire conversation and the current ridiculous standards being used

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Your premise is false to begin with, if you think Undermine is a Horde capital

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It’s certainly not the alliance content you and erevien desperately want it to be

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If you bothered reading my post instead of posting falsehoods about visiting a Horde capital… you would see I stated it was a Faction Neutral patch. I didn’t say it was Alliance content.

I said it was not a “Horde Patch”, since the Factions we deal with there are neutral, and the Horde Goblin in command has us report to Alleria, amongst other reasons…

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I’ll put it in plainer English for you than.

You’re wrong. It’s horde content

Now that’s just hilarious :dracthyr_heart:

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You know so little about the topic, you think Undermine is a Horde capital lol !

Being called wrong by you means I am right.

You do not even know what you are talking about. Undermine is not a Horde capital.

You just spout random wrong nonsense. Which, is fine. I like when people who argue against me are so clearly wrong.

Awww you fixed the typo before i could say something funny

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Lot of personal projection you got going on there. But it’s okay. Mr. I pretend to not care about opinions but will resort to insults when proven wrong

But than again, I expect such childish behavior from you

Undermined is not a Horde story. It is a goblin story because most cartels are neutral.


Because he’s really deatheroc. Thread.

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Or you stop being dishonest. Gallywix did nothing wrong.

I will even add, an overdue Horde Capital which people asked for a long time because, myself for example, i always loved the addition of new zones and capitals, and i always found very lame to lose Kezan and never been able to return to these places after the starting zone.

And i see that its to make fun of them, myself, i just find it ironic, because blood elves in my sense are the “least horde” race of the horde, and to see that it compose majority of player base of horde, and that they are the ones complaining is just funny and ironic.

To me, it is, in the same way Gilneas is an Alliance capital.

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It isn’t. And most Hordies are blood elves which is much longer then both Goblins and Nightborne were. They are loyal to the end and even put the Horde banner in their new boats now.

Goblins were in the horde during war2.


Goblins were not Horde until Cataclym. The blood elves are now one of the longest standing allies of the red team and Blizzard never backed down from it.

You had goblins helping Horde in war2 and war3 when building Orgrimmar, goblins as a race have a longer history with the orcs than the blood elves.


Steamwheedles were neutral and Gazlowe wasn’t Horde until Gallywix was removed. You alliance folks love to have dishonest arguments.

It was not neutral during war2, it was completly Horde allies.

And Gazlow being neutral up to Gallywix removal is dumb writing, the guy was literally your garison builder in wod for horde.