I need to find his name, but he mostly do food for his friends even for free.
I mean…guy is a blood elf, you cant be real Horde if you are that!
I am demon-loving…is it bad?
I need to find his name, but he mostly do food for his friends even for free.
I mean…guy is a blood elf, you cant be real Horde if you are that!
I am demon-loving…is it bad?
Oh, right. How dare anyone tell you that you are not a special victim.
You accuse others of being partisans but rage at the suggestion that anyone other than you has legitimate complaints. Again, a you problem.
Being miffed that the Horde is essentially pushed in the background is a legit concern and has nothing to do with being a partisan.
I’m not even sure this patch is particularly Horde centric.
It’s not like Orcs or Tauren, where most of the living members of the race are in the Horde, and by their nature, all things of their race are Horde related.
The Goblins have been neutral for a long time. Only one cartel joined the Horde out of, what, 4 or 5? That isn’t close to a majority of the race on Azeroth being in the Horde. And Goblins haven’t been only Horde - Renzik the shiv has been a member of the Alliance. And Grizzek hangs out with Saphronetta and the Alliance.
Sure, we get to learn about a Horde race and their culture. But it isn’t particularly about the Horde. And we are still reporting to Alleria, it seems.
Unless this patch ends with all the Goblin cartels joining the Horde, it feels like a Faction neutral patch set within a Racial theme that only a Fraction of which is actually in the Horde, which even the Alliance has sported a few in their roster.
But I admit, it is probably as much as the Horde is going to get.
And is being killed off.
Both Alliance and Horde are losing a Major Goblin though Gallywix is technically more important as Renzik is technically the 2nd in Command of S17 while Gallywix was once the Boss of the Bilgewater Cartel.
Funny you put it that way…. since the Horde lost him a few expacs back.
Notably, one died serving their Faction as a member of it, and the other…. not.
As I said earlier, after my initial play through of the Goblin intro, I was pissed at Thrall for letting Gallywix continue to rule. But Gallywix has grown on me, over the years. I had hoped Gallywix might take over the Venture Co, and be someone we stop 90% of the time but work for 10% for rare information or secrets and stuff.
If I will say anything more about this Faction stuff….
As I thought about Alliance Goblins, I thought it might be interesting to have Grizzek there when Gallywix died. Heck - maybe we find out Grizzek designed some part that Gallywix’s mech is using, and he made it faulty on purpose.
I would point at that and say “see! There is Alliance Goblin all over this patch!”
But that aside, it would be an interesting foot note to show Grizzek having the last laugh, if he is going to have it.
Don’t try to argue this forum is dishonest.
Yeah, i really cant wait to have the Horde expac with Midnight!
Elves mit Horde. Blizzard is known for ignoring blood elves.
Funny how Anduin even being present for part of Hallowfall earned months of ‘Alliance story’ complaints. But the patch learning about the culture of a Horde race, with the Goblin racial leader at the forefront, is somehow not Horde content.
So, you are upset one of the lesser developed members of the Horde is getting development instead of the most developed races?
Personally, I am happy for Goblin players who get to see development of their race. And I hope they continue giving less developed races attention.
We get to go to a cool big goblin city in lore.
We get cool goblin mog.
We get a bunch of cool goblin stories.
We get to kill Gallywix.
Goblin players are universally happy about this.
neutral cartel is not Horde content just like the Iron Horde is not Horde content and the scarlet crusade can’t be alliance content.
No backsies
I presume you can read… I never said I was upset.
I said I don’t consider it a Horde centric patch, when only one cartel out of 4 or 5 or more cartels even joined the Horde, the setting is Faction Neutral in an area of a Race that has members in both the Alliance and Horde, and we report to Alleria regardless of Faction.
You are looking for words like “upset”…. read the words that are there.
I don’t say that’s for good or ill. I am looking forward to the Goblin stuff. I just don’t think it’s a “Horde Patch”
So tww is therefore not alliance focused, since the Arathi are not in the Alliance as well as the earthen. So what you on about?
You know the Horde cartel is there, right? Gazlowe himself is there.
But you argued that the neutral Draenei in WoD was Alliance content.
It is just as much Horde as the first patch was Alliance.
The first patch only had a few Alliance characters and was dominated by neutral factions. It didn’t even develop any Alliance culture. So, if you want to argue this is not a Horde patch, you also have to argue the first patch was not Alliance. Anything else is hypocrisy.
The thing is, even the “neutral cartel” is horde related considering Steamwheedle cartel was with the Horde during the second war.
Since nothing counts as horde content, blizz should just roll everything into the alliance and make a second unplayable evil faction for us to beat up on
Edit: I am merely poking fun at the often ridiculous arbitrary requirements on what is considered Faction content this forum community seems to be obsessed with.
The first patch in the main story line was involving Moira, Dagran, and Magni - the current leading family of TWO Alliance races. Also, Jaina - the leader of Kul Tiras. And Anduin - if not the leader of Stormwind now, he was, and likely can be if he chooses. We have to quest with them in the Main Story quest.
Multiple Alliance leaders and Races are there dominating the narrative and advancing their racial stories. We see Alliance narratives since Cata being moved forward - Magni becoming a normal Dwarf, for example.
Thrall is there… but there isn’t a lot of Horde development in his appearance other than just his presence.
Do you even play the game? There was development on the Dwarf front.
First Patch : Multiple Alliance characters (Jaina, Moira, Anduin, Magni, Dagran, Alleria) , multiple Alliance Races, storylines there since Cata being moved forward, amongst neutral Factions
Second Patch: Alleria and Renzik the Alliance Goblin are in this story with Gazlowe, amongst neutral Factions. And Gazlowe still has us report to Alleria
Yup, lets just make a rpg game when you play an elf or human and you can just kill army of orcs!