Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

There is never enough demon blood drinking, slavery or genocide for Everien.


As I told you before, I think you’re a bad person and you should stop talking to me. Literally just a blue partisan who insults Horde player concerns all day.

I think that’s disingenuous. There’s been many times that Mer’s agreed with me, knowing I’m a Horde main for most expansions I’ve played, while Erevien keeps banging his same drum to the same tempo, over, and over, and over again.

Yes. It created a fully fleshed Draenei civilization. All Orcs got was more villains and mudhuts repeat.

I am fully convinced at this point that Erevien is just a AI chatbot programmed to repeat the same nonsensical garbage over and over again with no understanding of what’s being said

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Yrel conquered Draenor and Grommash and Durotan died offscreen. The Situation is obvious.

A dying timeline nobody cares about from a story perspective. AU draenor has been abandoned for all intents and purposes after the rescue of the Mag’har

You read bad intent into me and then you intentionally act like a bad person. That is a you problem.

Then you have not been paying any attention. I don’t insult Horde concerns. In also argued them to people. I fully agree Horde have concerns. But they are not the only ones with concerns. And inventing new concerns instead of talking about the actual problems just so you can play the victim is childish.

And, while I will insult Everien’s claims, he doesn’t represent the Horde at large. He is part of a minority with no real concept of facts.

Thank you. I do try to be as fair as possible and see things from others perspectives.

I know AI is bad at stuff, but is it really that bad?

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Well, it’s more his repeating the same thing over and over and the other more….racially offensive things he’s said in the past.

It’s a problem for sure

Edit: You’re not a bad person by the way Meri. Sure, we’ve had our disagreements, but you do mean well, which is appreciated :dracthyr_nod:


I mean, if we’re talking one of those chatbots from a decade or more ago?

I think you might be right.

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I mean, I’m not the Erevien lorekeeper, and I do have a crappy memory, but I’m pretty sure he’s been here for five or more years, and AI wasn’t really a thing then. I suppose it’s possible he was a prototype.


Yeah. It’s mostly a joke about him repeating stuff like a broken record is all :dracthyr_nod:

The Matrix held a rubber ducky hostage and made me say it.

But yeah, it’s just a lighthearted jab about us foolishly arguing the same thing with him every other day :dracthyr_heart:

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I fight for the Horde in an alliance controlled world.

I know, I’m being facetious <3. I personally think the head-cannon of him being a prototype AI chatbot is more fun, though. :rofl:

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It is now officially my headcanon and I am sticking with it! :dracthyr_crylaugh: :dracthyr_uwu:

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I should turn on my Computer again and write a full text about all problems of the Horde.


Disagreements are part of being human. And the feeling is mutual.

So, who would program a chatbot to love the worst villains? Or where they trying to program morality and accidently added a negative in the wrong place reversing everything?

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That sounds like an absolutely terrible idea.

I mean…

Look, I’m not saying I would do that.

But I’m certainly not saying I would never.

But I definitely would program my villain-loving chatbot is about 200% less IRL racism than the one we’re discussing here.


Nope, not doing this song and dance again. Bye, blue partisan.

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See you again tomorrow. Hopefully more time to play.