Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?


We all know that has never once been true!!


He meant he uses the eyes of his toys, because they are plastic and can’t see anything :dracthyr_nod:

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Are you in denial on purpose?

I’m not the one who can look at a goblin patch and see Alliance.

Yeah, what kind of Legion lackey forgets about Eye of Killrog? THREE EYES, not two, gosh.

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Renzik is literally there and the new short story collection was just announced.

Oh no, one single Alliance-affiliated goblin!!

Clearly the entire patch is filled with Alliance leaders.

You so goofy and dumb, Everine!!

Renzik is the very definition of a Nothingburger. He has done NOTHING but sit in the same SI:7 building for the last 20 yrs

Dudes beyond useless as far as characters go and I honestly don’t get the obsession with him

Horde/Alliance Bias complaints were typically grounded in people upset because they thought their team got it worse in the story. It is different than being sidelined. Even WoD, orcy as it was, had a parallel track focused on Draenei for the Alliance. There are no longer two faction tracks to follow in current expansions—we are stuck with whichever (usually obnoxious) characters get selected for that expansion.

Just to be clear: Undermined is obviously a Horde centric episode, but the issue of sidelining and general listlessness has been going on since BFA ended.

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You missed the intro of TWW too? Or the final patch of Dragonflight? Blizzard keeps pretending the Horde is just a sidekick.

What does that have to do with Undermine(d)?

You know Undermine(d) is the goblin patch full of goblins, right? TWW is not that patch, it is the expansion.


You deserve an uneven seat at the stormwind starbucks >_>

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It’s literally Durotar again with snow instead of desert.

I’ll take being a sidekick over being a genocider one million times out of a million times.


Thank you for confirming fake horde fan status

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So No self pride got it.

In what twisted way do you consider genocide having anything to do with self pride? That’s a lot. Even from you.

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I’m going to be THAT and say Undermine(d) is a really well done horde focused patch according to what I’ve seen. And the first half of TWW, while having Moira and Dagren as our sidekicks most of it, it didn’t have a lot of alliance themes going on

We dealt with the actual problems of the locals than anything else


Not the genocide part. The part where Blizzard isn’t obliterating your leadership whenever they needed filler villains.

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You think WoD was an Alliance story?! You really need to chill on the drugs dude.

Cool, thanks for the clarification. Of course…

You then had to be a child.

Not enough drinking demon blood, slavery, and genocide for you?

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