Why are we not discussing M+ Dungeon length

Dungeons are supposed to be fast.

These aren’t mega dungeons or raids.

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If you can’t dedicate 30 mins to content…

Look where do we draw the line here?

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M+ dungeons are best just short of 30 minutes. 3 boss dungeons are always the favorites. It would be interesting to see Blizz experiment with 2 or even 1 boss dungeons to see how well it’s received.

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Dungeons are in the 15-22 minute range for multi-chesting. Even the 4 boss stuff. I do agree though. I prefer shorter dungeons but more of them. I’d be fine with stuff even as low as 2 bosses.

WE’ve had several seasons now with some absolute slogs of dungeons, and this one is no exception. DF had HoI and a couple others that were just excessively long. 3 bosses or less is the key in my opinion, and no stupid RP phases or gimmicks like City of Threads.

We know how they would be received from past experience.

The players will love them and they will be farmed to fill the vault as quickly as possible, so players can log off for the week…and Blizz will quickly go back to their normal dungeon design


Shouldn’t creating content that players love be the goal? The easier dungeons always get farmed the most, that’s nothing new.

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Not if your goal is to actually have people logged into your game…

You have to balance the 2 goals. Thats why 30 minutes is the sweet spot

Shouldnt the goal be to make a game people WANT to log into? :thinking:

they should be shorter. best part of the game is getting loot. more chances at loot=more fun

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30 minutes is fine, but I wouldn’t mind some kind of time-out/pause function. Something that would freeze everyone’s characters in place including any buffs and cooldowns until the pause is over.

Starcraft 2 Co-op Brutal+ mode lets you call for a timeout (“someone’s at the door”/“my kid just broke something in the kitchen”/“my spouse accidentally cut themselves” etc) and after a couple of minutes have passed while paused, anyone can unpause it just in case the other person went AFK or disconnected. Sure people would use that mode to pause the timer after a wipe and talk things out but… that seems like a good thing to me.

Well, this season players have spoken. Take a look at the plummeting graph of m+ participation. That’s not out of the ordinary though. People get what they want done, and stop doing one type of content for something else, or curtail playtime. edit: more importantly look at the dungeon participation – gimmicky dungeons or longer ones tend to be avoided in favor of shorter/less gimmicky dungeons.

You can’t really design a game around forcing people to be logged in every second as you just run everyone off the moment something better comes along. Like the mass exodus from the VERY hardcore Everquest to this one. I’ll argue all day that it was mostly because this one was a lot easier and more time friendly.

Honestly 20min would be even better. 15 would be too short.

I hate that I can’t tell if this is a troll or a legitimate ask.

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But we should all be able to agree that the graph has nothing to do with dungeon length…and more to do with difficulty changes

Do you think 1-2 boss dungeond would make people want to log in anymore than the current dungeons do?

I really doubt it. Take a look at individual dungeon participation. The easier and shorter ones are the popular ones by far. You get a Grim Batol key or a city of Threads and its just a reroll about to happen unless you need something specific.

… Maw of Souls wasn’t 15 minutes.
It was less than 2 minutes.

Dungeon lengths are fine as they are, and we certainly don’t ever want to see more “Maw Rush”-style dungeons. They were utterly miserable and promoted some insanely degenerative and plain ol’ dumb ways to play the game.

I flipping loved maw of souls. Doing it in sub 10 minutes meant you were doing some insane pulls, and holy crap was that fun.

Sub 10 minutes is still not a “fast” Maw.

The entire dungeon was frequently done in about or under 2 minutes. I can’t remember just how fast folks were doing it but it made the game feel utterly pointless.

What’s next, asking for dungeons to become that short so folks opt for an argument like “I want to fill my vault with 3 options of Mythic gear, and I want that done within half an hour.” Because that’s legitimately what stuff like that became.

Of course back during Legion, this was achieved via Titanforging - which is why Maw of Souls were ran as fast as it was, and as insanely many times as it was.


And that is exactly the problem. At that point the game is a loot pinata and you just log in to whack it a few times a weei and your done.

If you dedicated an hour to wiping and still didn’t finish a 30 minute dungeon then there are major issues.

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