Why are we acting like the Nerubians are not bloodthirsty savages?

No. They are freakishly ugly spider monsters. And should be treated as such.

Bring it on you beer-smelling pile of minerals. We’ll go some rounds.


It’s literally a racist idea about indigenous people.

Okay? You’re wrong and should be wrong. There should absolutely be friendly Aqir.

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I distinctly remember there were friendly Nerubians in WotLK… quest givers in Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom and Azjol-Nerub specifically. So working with Nerubians goes way back, even far enough to placate the peacesuxfriendshipistragic crew.

Also Mr. Sunflower rules.


Imagining him with a Mr. Rogers voice coming to terms with realizing that sometimes the cure for trauma is getting rid of the culprit is beyond great to me.


Yes. It is racist to westernize their culture(s) into what you want it(them) to be.


Just keep in mind though it’s not bad to change western culture, even if it’s indiginous, like British culture. This only goes one way.


Because it’s weird and illogical for an entire species to be evil. It just don’t really work, you could have mechanics in them that forces them to do things we perceive to be evil such as with creatures like vampires having to feed on humans, but that isn’t even really evil. It’s just a biological need, it’s no more evil then a human eating a cow. How can a person write a story that makes an entire species of beings completely and utterly evil without removing their free will?


I felt the same with the Centaur last expansion. They’ve always been evil and savages but they were written as noble and honourable.

I don’t think it works like that. You can’t make them look like savages or spawns of evil but then write them as sympathetic beings who just want to be good.

Maybe the same writer had a job on Rings of Power and wrote the Orcs there.


Because they are doing with them like they did with the Zandalari. We find that some of them aren’t bad.


My friend finds them hot. :speak_no_evil::flushed:


Why would you want a stort about blonde, blue-eyed Anduin and Alleria massacring evil savages?

Oh I was thinking this too. It’s like the crap Rings of Powers is doing with Orcs with their families. Imo not everything/everyone has to be morally grey.


I’d prefer some orcs, trolls, and blood elves in there to be honest. I’d love to slaughter some spider-folk with an army of horde at my back.

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But reality thats the way things work? Explain to me how an entire species can be purely evil while also having free will?


Tauren Playerbase Dichotomy strikes again.

Fun little off-topic story, but on RP servers the Tauren community has a very vibrant native american population who currently enjoys that the race follows the stereotypes of their culture, because if they got any more specific this game would permanently be under the constant scrutiny of Tribal Councils, who literally cannot stop bickering when one tribe gets overrepped over another; and forces the developers to roll-back changes that make direct tribal references or worse, they simply stop touching the race altogether.

Sometimes the best solution is to stop overcaring or pretending to care, and focus on making them interesting and distinct enough to distract away from real life parallels.

Food for thought, you idealistic rooster gargler.


Faerin herself said that they were being attacked since the day they arrived I dont know how much clearer that can be.

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You are already gone my friend. This is a game. It’s not reality

Because in the WoW universe they are aqir who were corrupted by evil old gods.

Holy crap. Alright. I love Earthen now.


Also, keep in mind Nerubians are older than Humans as a race. All the insectoid races are.

They were around when the Black Empire was ending, most likely.

Humans were still robots/constructs until waaaayyy later, like hundreds/thousands of years after Nerubians had established themselves.

To them, we’re upstart youngsters of a race.

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