Why are we acting like the Nerubians are not bloodthirsty savages?

The entire point of Warcraft 3 was to subvert tropes about monster-looking people being evil.


And to show the Alliance was just as capable of evil, Blackmoore and Garthios and whatnot. And ofc Arthas himself.


Many of the people who are against humanizing the enemy would probably have thought the Hadozee were just fine.

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Didn’t Tolkien make orcs as the embodiement of War and Humans evil tendencies? You know as a commentary of the horrors he saw when he was a soldier?

I dont think Tolkien who create a concept to show the horrors of war would regret making the race he made to encaspulate that ideal too savage.


I’m pretty sure the entire point of Warcraft 3 was stopping an undead plague caused by the forces of Warcraft-Hell as well as securing the future of kalimdor for all green peoples.

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Arathians were not born underground. The Nerubians were. As such, who is the invader?

Blizzard is actually writing conflicts the way they are in real life. Nobody comes off with clean hands in a war. And some civilians are nearly always being victimized by their own government’s decisions. That’s real. What you want is like 2nd grade comic book crap. But life isn’t like that.

And much of the problems in our real lives stem from our inability to see any nuance when it comes to our opponents.


I was doing the side-quests for the achievement with a friend and came to the same realization: they are monsters.


From the puppet-master weaving living beings into puppets to the wife who murders their husband to honor time-old Nerubian traditions, it’s hard to find anything likeable about them. If your argument is that they’re a shade of grey, they’re the darkest shade.


It was basically the idea of WoW, but pre-WoW.

The factions coming together to save the world, something we’ve seen every expansion since Vanilla.



I enjoy being called a morsel.

Feels funny as a fat Kul Tiran.

Honey, I’m the whole bakery.


Then you have a very messed up idea of enemy civilians in wartime.

Or youre trying to impose a value set to a concept that doesnt require them.


But muh guilt over monsters in fantasy games tells me that I need to prostrate myself before the nearest nerubian and ask them for forgiveness before allowing them to consume me.

Because they aren’t truly evil and would never harm an innocent like me.


The idea of the noble savage isn’t a new thing. It’s a borrowed theme.

In the fantasy context, this isn’t new. I know Tolkien struggled with how to portray orcs because he wasn’t sure how a whole group could be irredeemable if they still had their own will. That’s despite the uproar of the orc family in the Rings of Power show. By that same token, that’s why it’s hard to see the Nerubians in the same way. I never saw the aqir as creatures that really had their own free will, but more as extensions of the Old Gods. Same goes for the Titan constructs.


Probably for the same reason we accept the Horde. Not everything is as it appears.


You need to stop thinking of them as giant spiders created from horror unknown and more as humans with many legs.

i dont think they all do that though, the bystanders even comment that they were shocked she actually went through with it

apparently that wife was a traditionalist

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Modern zoomer writers have trouble just writing unapologetically evil factions.

They’d probably try to humanize the burning legion too if that wasn’t already destroyed.


You amuse me, clown.

When/if Nerubians become playable my Scarab Lord will turn you into a Pekora Monkey out of mercy.


I aint big on spiders…AT ALL…BUT: