I don’t know why most of the replies to this post are so incredibly dense.
Arthas should never have been killed in WoLK. He absolutely should’ve escaped to be a villain for another day.
His hubris wound up defeating him that day from underestimating Tirion.
Which was dumb, but ultimately kind of in-character for Arthas. It gets a pass.
Deathwing could’ve easily rammed into the airship; reducing it to splinters and ending the expansion very quickly.
Before that, he could’ve just ROASTED us on top of Wyrmrest Temple instead of monologueing; while the aspects were busily charging up the Dragon Soul.
Deathwing was incredibly powerful and brilliant. He should’ve recognized that artifact and said, “Hey. Where’d you get that? That’s MINE! I made that!”
Garrosh didn’t have to worry about Vol’jin assassinating him; the writers were far more effective.
Sargeras gets a pass, in my opinion, because honestly we never should’ve been a match for Aggramar (a friggen titan!) or Argus (literally the death titan!).
People will say, “iTs bEcAuSe wE hAd pOwErFuL aRtIfAcTs…”
Seriously? That’s so unbelievably contrived it borders on absurd.
Bad writing. Sargeras should never have been introduced in the way he was.
By us killing a titan, Blizzard effectively nerfed, what used to be, gods altogether; ruining their mystique in a single expansion.
N’zoth, the most cunning of all the old gods, ancient beyond imagination and master of an ageless and evil city that exists in a completely different REALITY…
Gets erased by a hero firing his LAZER! BLAAAAAAAH!!!
Blizzard doesn’t know how to pace itself when it comes to plots or villains.