Why are Villains stupid?

So kill him afterwards? Really? How hard would that be to kill one guy after killing an entire planet’s worth of faceless champions?

He leaned. Deathwing didn’t do a barrel roll.

They also had to charge it.

GPS? They fly around in SPACE SHIPS. How can you have SPACE SHIPS and not have any idea of Galaxy Positioning Systems?

How would Illidan get to Argus without opening up the portal first? And didn’t they need the Xenedar to get to Argus?

You do know that space is BIG and forever expanding right? Most likely the same when it comes to the Great Dark Beyond (WoW space). It is also implied that Argus and Azeroth are on different ends of the phyiscal universe. Since Aggramar and Sargeras split off to fight demons separately and Aggramar was the one who found Azeroth (along with Draenor). The Sargerai keystone was the legions “GPS” which was why Illidan had his DH’s steal it. Also why Cordona went back to the Vault of the Wardens to recover it. Illidan used the keystone to open a portal to Azeroth, implying that the Illidari put Azeroth into it after they recovered it from Cordona.

Are you even reading what I said? Go watch the Tomb of Sargeras finale cinematic since reading text is too hard for you. In fact go do the raid right now. I don’t like repeating myself.

You do know that SPACE SHIPS can travel very fast through SPACE, right?

Did Kil’Jaeden lead them to Argus? Why? This makes even less sense.

What part of

is so hard for you to grasp? Are you intentionally acting stupid for some reason?

And? How does that disprove the whole “space is big”?

Why would Kil’Jaeden do that? He’s not Archimonde, he’s supposed to be cunning. Why would Kil’Jaeden intentionally allow Velen to chase him right into the heart of the Burning Legion.

Space Ships can navigate ‘big space’ in a short amount of time. Space Ships are, amazingly, BUILT TO TRAVEL IN SPACE.

I don’t know why most of the replies to this post are so incredibly dense.

Arthas should never have been killed in WoLK. He absolutely should’ve escaped to be a villain for another day.

His hubris wound up defeating him that day from underestimating Tirion.

Which was dumb, but ultimately kind of in-character for Arthas. It gets a pass.

Deathwing could’ve easily rammed into the airship; reducing it to splinters and ending the expansion very quickly.

Before that, he could’ve just ROASTED us on top of Wyrmrest Temple instead of monologueing; while the aspects were busily charging up the Dragon Soul.

Deathwing was incredibly powerful and brilliant. He should’ve recognized that artifact and said, “Hey. Where’d you get that? That’s MINE! I made that!”

Garrosh didn’t have to worry about Vol’jin assassinating him; the writers were far more effective.

Sargeras gets a pass, in my opinion, because honestly we never should’ve been a match for Aggramar (a friggen titan!) or Argus (literally the death titan!).

People will say, “iTs bEcAuSe wE hAd pOwErFuL aRtIfAcTs…”

Seriously? That’s so unbelievably contrived it borders on absurd.

Bad writing. Sargeras should never have been introduced in the way he was.

By us killing a titan, Blizzard effectively nerfed, what used to be, gods altogether; ruining their mystique in a single expansion.

N’zoth, the most cunning of all the old gods, ancient beyond imagination and master of an ageless and evil city that exists in a completely different REALITY…

Gets erased by a hero firing his LAZER! BLAAAAAAAH!!!


Blizzard doesn’t know how to pace itself when it comes to plots or villains.

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Because WoW is campy, cheesy, and dorky. Always has been.


Or pulling the literal ‘Hand of God’ out of his butt?

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You seriously need to do the Tomb of Sargeras raid. But since you want to act dumb, i’ll spell it out for you. Kil’jaeden never intended for his former bromance buddy to follow him. After we defeated the fallen Avatar of Sargeras, Kil’jaeden fled using the portal the Legion was using within the Tomb of Sargeras and he began to close it off on his end (his ship in the twisting nether). However Velen, refusing to run and hide anymore (mainly due to his son dying in his arms as a Legion puppet) chased Kil’jaeden through. We (including Illidan and Khadgar) follow suit before the portal is closed off to resuce Velen. We end up on KJ’s ship as it travels through the twisting nether to Argus, which is partly in the Twisting nether and the great dark beyond. We end up stuck of Kil’jaedens ship orbiting Argus and with Kil’jaeden dying, his ship is about to explode. So Illidan uses the Sargerai keystone to open a portal to Azeroth so Khadgar can teleport us out of there.

Only if they travel at the speed of light, which is nearly impossible to do.

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You guys need to learn the difference between “Good guy” and “Person we are not in the process of murdering”

No everyone who isn’t a raid boss is a great person or a close ally.

But why even allow them to get THAT close? They’re literally standing next to the portal before Kil’Jaeden’s like ‘Oh, the writers gave my legs movement after all my evil taunting’.

It’s so stupid.

And why only have ONE keystone? Why wouldn’t Sargeras makes thousands of copies of it?

That makes about as much sense as the Last Skywalker, where there’s only two McGuffins that lead people to Palpatine’s planet. Or how none of the super star destroyers could leave the planet because they couldn’t figure out which direction is UP.

Yeah, that really came out of nowhere.

I remember in writing class I was told to NEVER do what Fordring basically did.

In Legion, us rets got that ability (Will of the Ashbringer) so Blizzard retroactively fixed that plot armor… but at the time?


You seriously need to do the raid. I am serious. We end of the Fallen Avatar fight right next to the portal, as the Fallen Avatar smashes the platform when it gets fully empowered (or when it gets to 20% hp, whichever one happens first) and we fall to where the portal is. Kil’jaeden was hoping that the Fallen Avatar would kill us. You sound like KJ wanted us to chase him onto his personal ship.

Also characterizations are not plot holes. Not everything a character does has to be the “logical” choice because that is boring. You sound like someone who watches cinemasins.

I mean… it’s not limited to wow. Villains have to be stupid so we stand a chance.

Scourge or Legion or Old God minions are infinite and could easily attack non stop until our numbers dwindled and / or our forces collapsed of sleep deprivation.


Darth Vader, Lex Luther and most recently Thanos?

Because we have to believe that evil triumphs over good. So we write stories that reinforce that.

Not really an accurate description. Arthas did exactly what he was trying to do, and completely destroyed us in the process. The only reason he lost was because Tirion breaking free and the spirit of his father escaping the blade.

Another bad description. He is completely valid in not thinking the Dragon Soul would work against him, as it was mostly just speculation that Thralls Earth elemental energy would be able to substitute for the Earthwarder. Also keep in mind that the infinite dragonflight was purposefully allowing those things to happen as it furthered their goals.

You realize Garrosh though Vol’jin was dead right? He wasn’t aware he had survived to create the rebellion. And the trial makes perfect sense as the Pandaren aren’t bloodthirsty to the point of just killing someone.

It does, did you not watch the cinematics? He saw how bad things were getting and had to switch sides to fight against Gul’dan taking over.

Azeroth isn’t on a map. It’s completely hidden and even shrouded with the help of the Titans and their Keepers. All of the invasions involved his forces being SUMMONED there, they didn’t just travel by foot. Also, he wasn’t trying to kill the planet, that is why he was sitting in the cloud. He was trying to communicate with the World Soul but since he couldn’t finish he attempted plan B.

I’m starting to get tried of countering each and everyone one of your points but I guess I’ll keep going. Everything he did was part of his grand schemes, and opening the way to N’yalotha was just a byproduct of him trying to copy/paste it onto Azeroth using the Forge. He also, similar to Arthas, won even with our cloaks. He was only vanquished (and that’s pure speculation given the Xal’atath stuff) due to outside forces beyond his control.

The worst point of them all, and one that I see quite often annoyingly. HE IS LETTING US RUN FREE. HE ALREADY HAS WHAT HE WANTS. How hard is that to understand, he literally says it point blank if you payed attention at all.

He was having his mind melted by Y’shaarj from the first step onto Pandaria, so he gets a little slack on the making sense IMO.

Grom was never a bad guy, bite your tongue.

This pissed me off so damn much. I’m ok with cheesy villains dying horrible deaths, but N’Zoth had so much potential.

I mean does anyone remember how awesome (dare I say, hype?) N’Zoth was in this cinematic?

And then N’Zoth, the GOD who corrupted the Earth Warden, the creator of the naga, master of illusion and insanity, ruler of the Black Empire…

Was killed by the laser pointer of friendship from an assault on the front gate? Are you fracking kidding me? All of the tricks at his disposal, all of the mind games he made us play throughout the patch… and he just dies to a brute force assault? Come on…

Crushing disappointment doesn’t even begin to cover it.

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Actually this one isn’t stupid… it had sound logic behind it…

We as champions needed to prove that we were the greatest force Azeroth had to offer, and we proved that by fighting our way through the Lich King’s forces, minions, elites, and generals, etc, and being the last ones still standing…

If it wasn’t for Tirion’s plot armor, Arthas would have suceeded in raising us as the most powerful and unstoppable force Azeroth (and the cosmos) has ever encountered…

So in reality the only stupid thing Arthas did was not have Frostmourne insta-kill Tirion too along with us, instead Arthas choose to iceblock him and make him watch, giving Tirion time and opportunity to call upon and channel the light to break the iceblock and proceed to shatter the Frostmourne while it was held in a vulnerable position.