Why are Villains stupid?

Why you do this writers? How is every villain since TBC somehow doubling down on the stupids?

Arthas: ‘I’m going to enslave the best champions Azeroth has by luring them into the heart of my army, letting them completely wreck my strongest undead instead of isolating them in one corner of Azeroth and snapping their little necks while they’re not looking.’

Deathwing: ‘I’m going to allow Green Jeebus and his Wife to use the Dragon Soul against me instead of getting the Infinite Dragonflight to destroy the damn thing. I’m going to conveniently fly around and let said Jeebus shoot me instead of tearing the airship he’s standing on apart and sending him plummeting to his death.’

Garrosh: ‘I’m going to let Vol’jin, who threatened to assassinate me, live long enough for him to rebel and I eventually get arraigned in Court by a panda bear. Thank god Varian listened to Green Jeebus instead of lopping off my head right there or else how would WoD ever happen?’

Grom Hellscream: ‘I was a bad guy, but now I’m a good guy. Shut up, that makes sense.’

Sargeras: ‘I’m an all powerful Titan that couldn’t find the same planet for years despite invading it four times. But when I actually do show up, I’m going to wait in a cosmic fart cloud for no reason while the Champions of this dirtball I’m so intent on destroying seal me into a prison with an emo as a warden. Man, I don’t know how I was captured so easily.’

N’Zoth: ‘I’m the most cunning of the Old Gods. I tell everyone my plans and open the gates to N’yalotha wide the fridge open so they can easily attack me during an assault on two zones that no one cared about. But I’m going to build myself up as this overwhelming force only to putter out and die in the most cringiest cut-scene ever plagiarized.’

Jailor: ‘I’m a menacing thing in another reality that kidnaps a handful of leaders thanks to some stupid Banshee that baseball slid into a mournblade because she’s also incredibly smart. These prisoners are going to be so well guarded that most of them escape due to some bull :poop: coincidence that even the plot couldn’t handle. But don’t worry, I’m sure my plan will make perfect sense in every other cutscene because I can’t be bothered to make an appearance in game.’

I mean… You create some of the stupidest villains I’ve ever seen, Blizzard. Bravo. You give Twilight and Starwars Villains a run for their money in the ‘what the fridge are we doing’ category.


how was he going to get a hold of the best champions of Azeroth if they didn’t prove as much by destroying his generals?

we kind of wrecked the Infinite Flight’s plans in the End Time. also charging headfirst into the ship carrying the thing that can now fire on you point blank sounds like a great idea

bad writers

didn’t half the story of Warlords get cut entirely? of course it doesn’t make sense

finding Azeroth: he only ever arrived to it through portals. you tell me how easy it is to find a place you’ve never been to otherwise if you’re blindfolded on the travel there everytime you go. stuck in the fart cloud: I might be remembering incorrectly but hasn’t Sargeras not had a physical body for…a while now? so of course he’s not going to come out until the pantheon pulls him out

I mean…technically he DID win, until a deus ex machina he couldn’t have possibly planned for got in the way

we’re in an entirely different plane of reality where, before now, literally no one was even aware of our existence. what would lead anyone to believe the Jailer, someone depicted as cocky and arrogant, would possibly believe a “mere mortal” would pose any sort of problem for his plans?


I thought it was funny that the jailer talks to you all over shadowlands but doesn’t see you standing 15 yards away in the torghast find anduin mission


I imagine some random DK is still using Shadowmourne and will basically just be able to call up the Jailer whenever like
“Hey grandpa, just wanted to tell ya that Bolvy went to the Airport to mope again. Anyway, I’ll see you in Torghast soon!”


Like someone said it mostly just boils down to bad writing. It’s actually pretty hard to create a good villain that people will remember.


You send a necropolis with Kel’Thuzad to a place. You take Kel’Thuzad’s phalactery and leave it in Icecrown. When the heroes show up to kill Kel’Thuzad, you drop the necropolis into the ocean. Make them undead at will.

I’m sorry, but being unable to fling people off your back when you can tilt your body sideways completely destroys this argument. And what’s stopping Deathwing from just flying into the airship before Green Jeebus could even fire it?

What do you mean? Medivh couldn’t send him coordinates? Was Archimonde too invested in humping a tree? Varimathras was literally existing since the Forsaken was founded.

How do you now know where Azeroth is by that time?

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In the real world, most bad guys ARE stupid. Look at the dimwits that stormed the capitol…and broadcasted their location and TOOK SELFIES of their criminal offenses. In general, bad people also tend to be really, really, stupid or have no empathy…and often both. Even the so-called “smart” criminals normally get done in by their own hubris. Because they forget that just because THEY are smart that doesn’t mean the heroes are idiots.

What makes a villain dangerous in the real world is not their ability to make good decisions, it is their ability to convince enough other idiots to do their bidding.


The Dragon Soul was destroyed (it got destroyed in the climax of Day of the Dragon). Which was why Nozdormu needed to go back in time to an era where it was still around and easily obtainable. However his future self was preventing him from doing so. Which was why End Time was a thing.

Sargeras was actually trying to corrupt baby Azeroth. As he wanted to create a “dark pantheon” as the ultimate weapon against the Void. Stabbing Azeroth was a last ditch effort.

N’zoth was hoping to use the Heart of Azeroths connection to the world soul to open a gateway to the Chamber of the Heart, where the world soul of Azeroth is. The Old Gods were created to corrupt a baby titan and turn them into servants of the void. And he would’ve succeeded if it wasn’t for blizzards poor writing and love of using Deus ex Machina.

So I see you clearly missed the end of Tomb of Sargeras raid where Illidan opened up a MASSIVE GATEWAY FROM ARGUS TO AZEROTH. How else do you think we got Argus so quickly on the Vindacaar? Or Argus appearing in the sky box from Kil’jaedens death to the end of ABT? (If you never did KJ prior to 7.3, Argus appeared in the skybox regardless and if you never defeated Argus prior to 8.0.1 (BFA prepatch) it was removed and replaced with the red star).

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Sure, just drop an entire Necropolis into the ocean. That doesn’t sound like a waste.

Travel time. Much easier for Sargeras to go through a portal then it is for him to move his splace cloud across the galaxy.

Because Azeroth was two feet away from Argus, where Sargeras was presumbly near?

I mean, that’s it. They can’t write a character more intelligent than themselves.

See: Littlefinger and Varys à la D&D.

Well…your alternate plan for Arthas would be fine except…there would be no more story.

It’s a bit like saying - why do we need to get to the end of the novel to find out who the killer was, why not just tell us on page 1?


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Handsome Jack would like a word with you…

You’re trading one Necropolis for the best Champions on Azeroth. You can always build more Necropolises.

Again, you fail three times, maybe get your butt off your space rhoomba and get there the old fashion way.

disney villains, that’s why :l

Tirion was the Lich King’s biggest prize - the guy who wasn’t there in Naxxramas

he tried, it didn’t work

the fact that Thrall had to take time to aim the Dragon Soul, and now with Deathwing right in his face he no longer has to aim it?

I don’t think you quite understand the difference between “go through portal, arrive at destination” and “travel long distances through pathways you may or may not be familiar with (in a plane of existence where walking in a straight line isn’t quite that easy) to a location you don’t know”

Which doesn’t make sense. Time travel never makes sense.

So yank it out and plug it into a seat. Why snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory?

Whole point of the thread.

Again, why would Sargeras not be there with Kil’Jaeden? Illidan could only open up a portal to Argus because the plot demanded it.

Cause writing smart villains requires talent Blizzard doesn’t have.

the same reason he’s never been there with them before - the only source of magic powerful enough to actually handle Sargeras coming through was the Well of Eternity - it exploding as he was trying to come through is the entire reason why he had no physical body until the Titan pantheon was recovered


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Yanking out a world soul from its planet (which acts as an egg shell) could damage the world soul. Which was why Argus remained at the core, implying that the Legion dug their way to him.

Illidan opened up a portal to Azeroth from Argus. Velen chased KJ through the portal and we followed Velen. We end KJ’s fight orbiting Argus. So you saying that Illidan opened a portal to Argus is factually wrong.