Why are unholy and aff being gutted

Healing is too strong for specs to be getting damage nerfs. Also rogue is untouched and mage is getting buffs? LOL


Keep queueing with Meta. The content been good lately. Tonight’s best line was the “you’re not the main attraction, you’re the side attraction” to paraphrase. Got him triggered :grinning::grinning:

“Gutted.” lol

They got 15% damage nerfs to certain things.

Was Devastation “gutted” after its 15% nerfs? I think not.

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AFFY is not that bad, I looked into it, Soul Harvester hero tree is being nerfed, HELL caller is just fine, and still good damage.

No impactful feral nerfs but they randomly shotgunned UHDK in the mouth.

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Soul Harvester is the much funner spec :[

Hellcaller will be good, and will only be better with survivability buffs. But it’s def just a dampener spec. Having good single target as Aff was fun while it lasted.

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Certain things?

The whole spec is based around deathcoil, its our only spender, there are 22 talents based around it. Unholy is gutted.

And the reasons? No one know’s, never have you faced and unholy dk and thought wow that was really good! It can’t heal it cant spam cc, it ONLY does dmg,

and there is less then 5 dk’s in the top 100 in 3v3,

And 5 in the top 100 in 2v2,

And 8 in the top 100 rated bg’s.

Hardly a reason to destroy the spec.

Unholy dk is oppressive right now, not horrible but a little much.

Not saying its the only one but they have a kit with answers for everything.

Their aoe devastate needs huge nerfing like NOW. Aoe 1 mil ticks should never exist

Yeah, how dare a class that cant spam heal, and cant spam cc
 do good damage

And yeah, they have an immune, (who doesnt) and a snare! (Who doesnt) and a silence/cc (who doesnt)?
Better nerf there dmg so they stick to healing and ccing, right? :confused:

It’s simply this, the class only does dmg, its sopposed to do dmg, the only reason it does good dmg is becasue its built around dmg only. Tell me what else it should do well? Should it
 run away more? :confused:

Second if you had to choose 1 thing to nerf, 1 class
 would you choose
 mage, hunter, rogue, deathknight, or feral
 ill wait. p.s. not having a god, just confused at what exactly dk is meant to do except

Yeah out of all those classes you listed I would nerf the unholy DK.

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There was 1 unholy in AWC, 5 in the top 100 2v2’s, 5 in the top 100 3v3’s and 11 in the top 100 rated bg’s.

Yeah bro your totally on the money
 LMFAO. 5k posts, 15IQ.

When a class relies on doing way too much damage for no reason to be AWC viable, we call it bad class design / the last entire history of demon hunter until TWW. Sorry, but the way that UHDK is right now, its the 2 button over tuned demon hunter of the game. Its skill floor is nonexistant purely because of overtuned easy damage. A class with lots of depth is underneath all of that though.

while you wont want to hear it, its in trouble from a class design perspective and will need some shifting around of its power. My money is not in DK stonks atm

UDK got nerfed cuz of the average players. They are monster against randoms but shouldn’t have been nerfed. They aren’y OP in competitive PvP.

Aff dmg was OP but their survavibility was trash. They nerfed their dmg but buffed their defence. Not sure if it will wnd being a biff, a nerf or nothing.

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No the class ‘cleaves’, it doesnt do anymore dmg to the target it’s trying to kill, the dots hit things its not targetting, and the deathcoil also hits things its not targetting. Nerfing its dmg when the dmg is already low is
 the r word.

2 button
 which two buttons are we talking about here? festering strike wasnt nerfed
 and scorge strike wasnt nerfed
 are you talking about deathcoil? Oh the deathcoil I cant hit until I death and decay? or the fact that I cant burst unless I raise pet/raise abom/unholy assalt? Have wounds up and then get a doom proc? That deathcoil? We are not Obliterate Frost stiking here bro.

What’s overturned? There was 1 in AWC, 5 in the top 100 2v2’s and 3v3’s and 11 in top 100 rated bg’s
 where is the overturned aspect?

Your second paragraph is spot on. And I know how to fix it, its simple remove the cleave. We have 1 spell called ‘improved deathcoil’ it makes deathcoil do 15% extra dmg and allows it to cleave. The nerf should be agains this talent, simply remove it. that nets the same dmg nerf and stops the cleave, which the cleave is ‘fluff’ it scews the numbers higher then they should be and then you will see a buff to deathcoil dmg is required. Same reasons they hit frost oliterate, when it cleaves, and same reason they hit aff locks, cleaving dots, dot dmg is not a game breaker, or its repreentation would be higher in all pvp catagories. It simply looks big in the end game screen data that blizz catches and then destroy’s specs on.

I have sold all my DK stonks, and am investing everything in disc, and mage, evoker and hunter stonks will drop next is my guess.

You are on the money, going one step futher, this is a ‘caster’ meta, casters dominate currently, as they do before stats like ST and CRIT at the end of expacts shine and mellee get good

Well in a caster meta
 what is good? DK’s the ANTI CASTER! they should do well in a caster meta, thats what they are for, put ANY rogue or war against a dk 1v1 and the dk is DINNER, cant heal with ms effects, cant run as my kit brings things to me and they want to be close it’s OGRE.

Thats pretty rude as the game seems to have swapped to my newest character to make posts. With that being said I’m sorry brother, im sure you will still thrive as your kit still has answers for everything.

Don’t worry youll still be able to hold people hostage and perform at a high level. Or just make a feral druid because that seems like your next move.

My kit was dmg, now its nerfed.
I cant spam heals or spam cc. It was dmg only the spec was based around now its gutted. big gg.

Holding ppl hostage isnt as fan as it seems, and many classes can do that, while I wouldnt want to be a ret’s shoes, you have the same issue, a terrible balance team that looks at data after a match, and not the gameplay DURING the match.

If they look at data at the end of a match, ‘SURE NERF COIL ITS DOING HUGE DMG LOOK AT THE NUMBERS!", but if you look at the way deathknights play, most of that dmg is ‘cleave’ from improved deathcoil and dots’, we are not in control of any of it, if you stand next to the target, you get hit also, its crap, same with dots, they are spead on everything passivly though the pet’s, buff pet dmg and watch the players change specs, dont nerf coil and just gut the class, they are already underrepresented in all pvp brackets.

Probably. they have a robust history of early expac nerfs that remove them from viability as the gear / stats mature over the seasons.

With regard to DK, i dont have some specific well thought out nerf in mind since im not an advocate for nerfing them. but im not surprised to see it happening. My experience with them, which is primarily from healer PoV, is that they start arena rounds with the mario super star for 30 seconds with all of their front loaded tools off cd. their initial go is insane, and its always seemed destined to get them nerfed.

and you’re right that its a lot of cleave, but you have grip, abom limb (which should be removed for being obnoxious along with a long list of other bloated mechanics on numerous classes), and teammates with their 6 copies of ursols vortex, aoe stunes, etc to make that cleave devastating.

divesting from this, like you said, is probably the best thing for the class. the problem is whether or not blizz will ever actually do that, hence my pessimism. id rather be playing specs with a stronger foundation

ITT: prepatch reroll tears