Why are u still doing twitch drops without fixing them?

half the players never recieved the first 3 twitch drops they claimed, and when they put in a ticket all your gms say is basically ur out of luck … So why are you going to keep doing them without fixing it, so half the population gets something the other doesnt and creates problems? makes zero sense.


Odd… you made the claim using the term “half”.

Can you point me to the source for this claim?


The oracle of knowledge.

I was one of the people who didn’t get feldrake for quite a while. Think it was almost 2-3 weeks after I claimed.

But I did finally get it.

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Everyone I know got theirs. You probably did something wrong if you didn’t get it.


ya , go read all the forums of people not recieving the twitch drops, let me ask you, would it make a difference it it was 30% or 20% a good portion of the players are still not recieving after they claim. Could u source a non blizzard source that states 100% of players recieve drops, if not then why would u ask me to state my source

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The OP pulled the “half” number out of his a$$, but he isn’t alone. there have been tons of people that didn’t get their drops. It’s possible it’s some weird setup issue, but in the posts i’ve seen, there hasn’t been a common thread found yet.

Because you are the one that made the claim. It’s not really that hard to understand.

you are arguing hyperbole and semantics, not this issue.

A small vocal handful of players

Have they tried troubleshooting in the CS forums? Check if their BNet account and Twitch account are properly connected (for example did a password change on either etc)? Actually fill the bar to 100%? (I’ve seen 2 people who were watching but didn’t sign into their twitch account or the wrong one).


I’m willing to entertain the possibility of it being 20% with 85% of those people not understanding how to link their twitch account. The same happened during the MDI event for the title with players being confused how to link their youtube.

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Source: I made it up.

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gms already ackowneldged the problem, blizzard gms dotn aknowledge problems unless so many peopel complain, we alll kno this, this isnt 10 people or 100 or 1000, this is prolyl mroe near 1 mil players not recieving mount

I’m sorry the issue is that he claims 50% of the people didn’t get something. If this is true then it is unacceptable. But the more you and others dodge around and attempt to steer away from the allegation it tells me that you guys aren’t being honest about the whole situation.

But please… continue to do your thing.

Ppl received them. Cite current data plz

how about a rare drake twitch-drop
flying mount
that you cannot use this xpac…
exciting stuff!

my dude, not knowing hwo to link twitch account, what are u used to being around ? crack heads… bro we all got the first twitch drop, it was the last 2 we didnt get, if we got the first one means our accounts were linked right, or else we wouldnt of got the first one, im in shock u actually think there is people who cant google how to connect twitch acount to blizzard… im literally in shockl u think thats the issue… people literally learn to code , pla yguitar ,drums… from youtube… but ur literally suggesting people didnt link there accounts correctly lol… ok so everyone that is complaining about twitch drops, most post ive seen all recieved teh first drop… it was fel drake and the windsteed that messed up. most of us got the pet and the kite.

People still try to pull clearly marked doors that say PUSH.

People make false claims all the time.

i already linked u the forum where the blizz gms says there is a problem with twitch drops and there looking into it . dudes will literally argue with the wall to just argue Lol.