Cool… where’s the proof now to your percentages?
If it’s just you having the issue… cool, let’s get that resolved… but making wild statements to bring attention to your situation just makes you look…
Cool… where’s the proof now to your percentages?
If it’s just you having the issue… cool, let’s get that resolved… but making wild statements to bring attention to your situation just makes you look…
theres more twitch drops? when where? gimme the deets!
so because u got prooved wrong ur goign to focus on the % so u can try to get some sort of win, it may not be 50% but its higher then 20%… the burden of proof is on u, i have shown blizzard admittingthere is a problem, it would have to be a signifiant ammount for blizzard to admit that. burden of proof that blizzard is lieng about twitch drops not working is on u now
Prooved? I’m just entertaining your troll thread because I’m bored right now.
You haven’t “prooved” anything.
Wanna know a trick on how to receive the item but make the outlandish claim that you never received it? Don’t open the present package.
No… the burden of proof is still on you. Where’s the proof that this affected 20% of the people?
Where did I state that Blizzard was lying?
BTW… get a refund for your taxes… they failed you.
ladie u are weird lol… u were saying blizzard was lieng, u were asking for proof…noo ur not jsut here ause ur bored, ur mad about something ladie, idk what but i would suggest possibly rehab or something. best of luck to you tho, ill pray for you
It’s the family dollar Celebrate.
yea, i’m not replying to that guy again. he is just practicing for his high school debate team or something.
im at about 2 months, no windsteed or cenarian hatchling. yes i “watched” (had muted in another tab), and yes i claimed them, but never got them. i got all the other stuff before and after them, but not those two items.
Rude. It’s not a twitch, it’s a spasm.
nah according to these guys peopel arent capable of linking a twitch acct to blizzard correctly… everyone recieved drops… nothing messed up… link it right … lol… old people these days, lol cause there half stupid they think everyone else is… cause they had trouble figuring out something thats easily googled… on top of that u can literally google fel drake not recieved and tons of forum post + blizzard post ackowleding it… yet they rather come here and argue, when they can jsut google did people not recieve fel drake and see the post, they literally are arguing on no info then acting liek there victims when they get verbally abused