Why are Timewarped badges not account-wide?

…or at least tradeable between alts? I was just thinking about this yesterday :thinking:

Other than Mage Tower, I haven’t really touched the timewalking stuff. Personally, if this Timewarped badge was somehow shared/account-wide or even just “tradeable” between alts I would be waaay more interested/play the content waaay more.

Because the currency is “character-specific” that kinda kills my interest/motivation to play TW content tbh :expressionless:

Seems like an “easy win” if Blizzard made the currency account-wide or somehow tradeable between alts, could probably be done in a hotfix.



Agreed! It’s not a currency that buys player power. It’s for rep and heirlooms and cosmetic gear.


Yea i have an army of alts, just so i could go buy the off meta stuff. I’d be nice if it was all in one place.


all currencies should be account wide.


Ya… what gives?

Other non-player power currencies that are already account-wide or tradeable:

  • Polished Pet Charm (pet battlers)
  • Mark of Honor (casual PvPers)
  • Anima (Traveler’s Anima Cache)
  • etc etc

I don’t really see the harm in adding Timewarped badge to this list tbh…


Ugh it’s so hard to go from SWTOR that has account wide rep and currency to WoW where I have to very slowly farm TWB for the new hippogryph.


oh wait what, I didn’t realize there was a new one

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It looks like the RAF and paragon hypogryph but different color (of course.)

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Why isn’t everything account bound? Reps, currencies, gear, etc.

Well, because it slows you down so you have to pay for a sub for longer…


guess i have some badges to farm lol

To make you grind is why other wise 10 alts 1 dg run for 500tw pts quest item reward you would buy out the shop in a day.
Not to mention the rep tokens and armor/weapons for heirlooms, they want you to grind time = money.

Speaking of TW badges, can you get the quest thingy for 500 again?

Yeah I never understood that, yet a lot of the things there on the vendor CAN BE account wide :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Right?! It’s one of the reasons I love Old Republic!

Actually, it doesn’t. Old Republic has weekly gates and more ranks of rep that can take a while to get through. And caps on currency. It makes things not seem like a grind.

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Why aren’t [ X ] account wide? BLIZZ?

The entire game should be account wide.

It pretty much would solve 99% of the problems that casuals players have with this game.


so you don’t feel you have no reason to play your alts.

I’d be happy if it was account wide. There are a few things that may impact this: the anniversary event had many quests for badges, and someone with alts could basically get more that the person without alts, but that is not a good enough reason to me.

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I’d love that here in WoW, but the cap should work like conquest cap, where if you haven’t capped previous weeks you are able to catch up.

This would be a bad reason.

As raiders and elitist say : “if you also want that same reward, you have to put in the same work”.

Blizz needs to be more open about alts and promoting alt play.

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