Why are Timewarped badges not account-wide?

The Old Republic caps are pretty high for most things and aren’t based on weeks. It’s just an overall cap. Makes things less complicated, imo. :slightly_smiling_face:

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So? That’s not really a good counter-argument tbh…

You can basically say the same thing about many parts of the game:

  • a person with a bunch of alts can do multiple Covenant callings, meaning they earn more gold
  • a person with a bunch of alts can do multiple pet battle WQs, meaning they get more pet charms
  • a person with a bunch of alts has an increased chance of getting rare mounts like Invincible
  • a person with a bunch of alts has an increased chance of getting that rare transmog drop
  • etc etc

Just like with many things in life, the principle of “the more you put in, the more you get out” applies in WoW as well.

People that actively play their alts put more of their time/effort into the game, therefore they get more out of it - it’s simple cause and effect and there’s nothing “wrong” with it :man_shrugging:


I was just playing the devils advocate :wink:

They should be account wide.

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The trick is to just do one Timewalking dungeon each time it comes around on like 2-3 toons, turn in the weekly item you get from that first run for 500 badges. They rarely add new Timewalking stuff just because it’s all expansion based, so you can easily build up more than enough for the toys, mounts, and maybe a cosmetic you didn’t have.

Even just doing that on one main character could be enough, or pretty close, depending on how many toys the new Timewalking expansion brings.

Why are insert currency here not account-wide?

Yeah I know and that’s what I usually do but I quit the game from the end of August until recently so I’m behind.

I have all the pets, mounts and toys from all the TW vendors except for the hippogryph.

Anyways, I’m curious if anyone knows if the quest thingy reset.

My guess is because they haven’t gotten around to it yet or they don’t want people to feel obligated to run the dgs on 500 alts per week for that sick badge quest. Acc wide badges has my support!

I could have sworn they were in the very early days. Then for some inexplicable reason they became a currency and that ruined everything. There is no real rhyme or reason why Blizzard makes one thing a currency and not another…


It should either be mail-able to your other characters.

Or be merged account wide. Really tired of having a random 500 badges on characters that I’ll never do anything with.

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Hell no, gold and honnor should only be for one character, why are people now trying to dumb down WoW and trying to make easier and easier, if you want stuff on one character go out and earn it on that character, how it has always been and should always be




Yes please. It breaks my heart that I have more than enough to buy the last 2 mounts I want spread across 40 some odd guys.

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Apparently the devs disagree, considering I can freely mail gold back and forth to my characters. Cross realm? no, but it’s basically account wide on a server basis.

I try not to have opinions about anything to do with pvp as I don’t participate in that at any level of competency.

My guess is they worry people will make a mess of characters and farm them. But, so what? Would it really hurt anything if a few players did that? I don’t think so. Those players would just get bored of Timewalking content sooner and it’d be their own fault.

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Ya, what’s up with this?

Would it REALLY be that big of a deal if I cycled thru my alts to farm TW content and quickly bought up one of the TW mounts? It’s not really tied to player power, almost all of the TW stuff is either cosmetic or “for fun”…

I’m just not seeing an “injured party” or other player that is somehow harmed by me simply buying a timewalking cosmetic/mount/item :thinking:

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This is the GD. Some people say no just to say no.

Vote character coalition :+1: