Why are they releasing AQ40/Naxx equivalent gear in phase 2

Still dont see a problem with this.

Edit more.

It automatically edited the quote out. Fact remains, youā€™re wrong.

Keep trying. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll pull something out of your sewer eventually.

MC is easier than getting honor gear

If you manage to farm 60,000 honor within a week in World PvP, you deserve the best gear in the game.

Hint : Its not happening.

Uh, yeah, itā€™s definitely better. Did you think spirit was an important stat for DPS or?

You need 60,000 RP just to hit R14. Provided you can hold that rank 1 apot each week, it will still be 5 weeks until they actually get thereā€¦ and then realise they dont are have the gold to buy it since they have been farming honour all day for hoursā€¦

Even R10 is 40,000 RP so min of 3 weeks provided you can maintain R1 for 3 weeks.

Hey they have the schematics to make a nuke online and yet no nukes in anyoneā€™s basement.

at least i post garbage under my real toon, you are just a coward troll, be a man and troll with your main

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It takes a lot longer than that, even if you are the top honor farmer on your server.

Just ask any r14 player how they did it, and most of them will tell you they just spent a couple days camping fpā€™s and then bam rank 14. Thats the one thing you always hear about the gm/hw grind, is how quick, easy and non all-encompassing it is


What do you care? Youā€™re level 13.

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Iā€™m pretty sure T1 is so easy to get, its going to be worth it while people grind up their PvP set anyway, no?

you do realise thereā€™s two different pvp sets (four if you count epic upgrade). One pair on phase 2 which isnā€™t very great, but has stamina and pair on phase 6 (still weaker than nax gear)

Rank 10-14 gear is equivalent to BWL, not AQ40/Naxx.

You have no idea how good the gear from AQ40/Naxx really was. Just got PTSD from my mage getting hit with shocks every 5 seconds for 2100-2400 crits.

YOU DONā€™T KNOW HOW GOOD THE GEAR FROM AQ40/NAXX IS. Everyone else are just lowbies when you get geared out, that kind of a gap in gear power doesnā€™t exist until WotLK when people start using 277/284 crap while the PvPers are using 264.

  1. Some of the PvP gear is BiS through AQ. None of the PvP gear is BiS through Naxx.

  2. Only about .01% of the playerbase will ever reach Rank 14. The rank 14 bracket each week is the top .7% of PvPā€™ers(not all players). But in order to get actual rank 14, you would need to be in that bracket for something like three months straight.

  3. For a lot of classes/specs PvP gear is basically worthless. And for a lot of classes there is no point in getting rank 14, rank 10 is plenty.

  4. You donā€™t get ranks based on the amount of honor you get. You get ranks by getting more honor than the other pvpā€™ers on your faction. And since the PvP gear is so good, it basically forces most classes to PvP. Which means the top ranks will be very competitive. Which means, getting rank 14 will require about 40-80 hours of PvP a week for at least two months straight.


what? is there some unknown level 13 raid noone besides you knows about?

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For Feral Tank some pieces are straight BIS or near-BIS for the whole game.

Its both, you gotta be within a certain percentile of honor gained within your faction but thereā€™s also a minimum honor requirement.

There are literally zero pieces that are feral BiS the whole game. Not for Kitty, not for tanking, and not for anything else.

There is no minimum honor requirement. To be considered a PvPā€™er you need to have 15 hkā€™s a week.