What is the incentive for my raid team to continue to clear content when you can camp a flight path for a few days and log out with the best gear in the game until phase 6 or beyond?
If you think you can camp a FP for a few days and get 40 people HWL/GM you are very misinformed.
You aren’t very good at trolling, too transparent
out out out!
Nothing you said is in any way factual or accurate.
Even if were what you say is true(which it’s not), it doesn’t apply to all specs or classes. The pvp sets are restrictive in their roles and aren’t in fact the best pve options in the game for many classes.
Best solution is to supply evidence OP.
Go grab that GM/HWL gear and post here when you have it. My money is on you getting naxx gear before it happens.
haha, so true. the honr gains from individual kills will be minuscule
GM or HWL is irrelevant. Even the low rank blue rewards are leagues better than anything else available now because Blizzard is pushing forward with this distorted frankenpatch idea.
Imagine posting troll threads on an alt.
Doesn’t seem correct for priests at least, could at least put some effort into this and give an example of PvP gear piece that is better.
Imagine rushing to 60 to clear content and enjoy phase 1 to it’s fullest, then having the gear you worked hard for completely invalidated within a month by welfare blues in a rushed patch introducing gear into the ecosystem that should not exist for 2+ more years.
Yeh coz your gonna spend 2+ years enjoying gear that took you 2 months to get, gtfo.
Because these are extremely liberal game designers who are hellbent on changing everything they can about Classic in the worst way.
Damn lefties are always trying to change things in ways i don’t like!
flight paths? No. Capital cities? Possibly would have to set up camp there for a long time
Give an example to support your claims is all we’re asking.
Otherwise shut up, you look foolish and everyone has no reason to believe you’re anything but a troll.
It is a bad decision, but the upside is that even getting the blue PvP set is very time consuming.
OP has a point though.
Some of this gear is equivalent in stats to later patches, and should either be adjusted to the current phase or not included until their proper phase
An example? Blizzard blatantly said you’re getting out-of-this-world buffed R7-R14 gear. Gear that is best in slot for the entire game for a lot of classes.
Oh yeah…all that stamina is really gonna just make every DPS blow up the charts and 1 shot all those raid bosses in P3…