Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

How can I be nostalgic for expansions I didn’t play during? I started with the Cataclysm, and getting Loremaster is my first time experiencing a lot of these zones.

And I would far rather soar around the mountains of Storm Peaks with “nothing there” (other than grand vistas and breath-taking views) than wind my way through the cramped corridors of modern zone design.


That happens too you know, a lot of people can feel nostalgia type feelings for something they never had or experienced

when I go to wrath I just see empty barren landscapes, it’s boring.

I think that Deepholm and Vashj’ir held back the Cata experience. Twilight Highlands, Uldum, and Twightlight Highlands worked being integrated with surrounding zones.

You could see the transition to these zones going from the surrounding lower level zones as you entered them.

Mount Hyjal was also cool with the quest hubs it unlocked…think of it as a precursor of the Island of Thunder quest hubs in MoP.

Cata tried to do too much which is why it wasn’t well received. I am looking at you systemlands. :100: :scream:

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I guess I’d rather see empty, barren landscapes that stretch to the horizon than yet another tree or cliff ten feet in front of my face. /shrug

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See, I didn’t like the separated zones that didn’t feel at all connected, I’m enjoying the hell out of SL.

To the point i’ve already leveled 3 characters to 60

You like the GW2 design of zones but most WoW players don’t. They will feel it is Cata part 2.


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Never got into GW2, the fact that gear barely meant anything turned me off :frowning:
and no, SL zones feel much more connected and alive than Cata zones

something something sense of pride and accomplishment

For real though, why don’t they continue the whistle :frowning:

So many bitter people in this post clearly just need to take a break from video games, probably forever lol. I get its upsetting and we can all proclaim time played metric this and that, but the bitterness is basically why we get little to no responses about anything at all usually. This is not exclusive to WoW or any game they make either, it seems collectively as a whole the gaming community is filled with very very bitter people. Some of you really need to find something else to enjoy in life, it’s entirely saddening to see such a constant flow of whining and negativity.

Are you ok Matt? Do you need a hug? We are just having a discussion. Didn’t you know this is what the forums were for? Matt I think you should learn to unwind a bit and stop being so defensive… to the point of attacking everyone in this thread.

It’s hard to explain. If they want to do much more efficient compact zones, it’s not a problem with me. (Obviously can’t be that tiny) It’s striking the weird balance of it all that can do zones justice.

One of my gripes is you want to do this type of “cluster” zones then why can’t we have a really neat forest maze. Which I been saying that for a while for Ardenweald, (There is other games that have this besides Zelda.)

No they will not and cannot do it and I don’t understand why. Ok well then let’s scratch the compact idea and go with the big open world concept instead. No they will not and cannot do it. So we get left in the middle of…I’m not sure what.

The reality is tho I haven’t even looked at the new maps. (Brief glimpses of Bastion that is all) So they might be better than what people are currently giving them credit for. I just didn’t want them to take away the flight whistle and it digressed into maps.


Hmm bitter people? It seems more like people questioning why Blizz is doing something. I am pretty sure this is a place to talk about WoW. And it has been a pretty tame discussion mostly.

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Steve is that you?


I’d actually rather force myself to puke than go without the whistle.

(it’s a curse, please halp.)

I’m just gonna leave this here:

While I don’t see anyone particularly ‘bitter’ in this thread, there’s definitely a reason why a lot of older gamers seem disgruntled.


i’m a demon hunter, i’ll be fine

we all can’t be DH’s. thank god.

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Anything with the word “Flight” is a anathema to the current devs.


On the contrary, I’d imagine that people who don’t think time played metrics are a thing are those kind of people who don’t believe anyone is out to get them. They don’t believe in any conspiracy theories.

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It wasn’t so bad, but I genuinely like the place from both the ground and the air. I realize that not everyone shares that sentiment though. I would go as far as saying that it is much easier to navigate than Boralus. There’s just a few more ups and downs involved.

How? Everything of real importance in Boralus in in a crescent from the bank to the map table, and I’d wager the distance traveled between those two points is less than the vertical distance from the Great Seal to the crafting area.

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