Throw glaive doesn’t do any damage though, it’s literally baby numbers. That’s why it’s pointless change, all they’re doing is making you press a pointless global if you want to play BW. Pro tip, nobody is going to play BW now.
If your talking to me I never said Throw Glaive wasnt useless. Like, what are YOU talking about?
Demon Hunters are not Ranged…
Your right, they wont listen to you at all…
Also correct. Throw Glaive was a filler, but the way the tree is set up its making it a very expensive build
Just like momentum, if you don’t like it, don’t pick it… What next, complaining about a demonic build? These subpar DH always finding something to complain about.
the idea of an ability buffing fel rush is fine.
my problem is that it’s immolation aura buffing it, you want to stay in melee range with immolation aura up not dashing away or through them, although having felblade to dash back will feel better.
It’s dumb . Throw glaive it’s not on our rotation. We have too many spell to use already
Lol. Do we have a choice. Blizzard shut this spell into our throat n make us eat it. How about remove engage n every you leap to activate it
Having BW applied by Throw Glaive just means you are wasting an attack every six second to use a cleave attack so you can now apply a neutered DoT. BW was primarily a solid source of single target damage in raids. This change basically destorys that because some people complained about “tab targeting”.
Burning Wounds was a boring legendary that was applied passively… It was hardly ever used in multi target situations, due to how fast adds died or how tedious it was, it was just not worth it. Now you actually have to interact with a button for it to be applied, imagine that.
I swear you DHs will just complain about anything. This is an amazing change, especially in high end content.
I’m sure with the content you are doing, pressing anything off cooldown will be good enough, considering you aren’t doing anything over a +10 key; hence your whole “tab targeting” argument. It kinda shows that you have no idea how end game mythic keys work.
My point, which clearly went over your head because you were too busy trying to be petty, it they took an ability that was mostly a single target attack and converted in into a sub par AOE ability linked to an ability you almost never use in a single target fight. And having it tied to a “button press” doesn’t automatically make it a good button to push.
It won’t really matter to me, as it is buried half way down the right side of the tree and I am going all in on the momentum side anyways. It is just an odd change to an ability, turning something that was a single target ability into a weaker AoE one.
And to help you with my “mythic+” experience. While this season I am basically taking it off (as my guild jumped straight into heroic raiding) but in the previous seasons I was doing 10+ runs. So while I am not doing 20s, I do have the experience to reach your “arbitrary” +10 key. But I do find it funny to have someone hiding behind their classic alt calling someone else out on mythic+.
Burning Wound wasn’t a single target attack it was stuck on your fury generator, either demon bite or demon blades. It was a tab-dot. Tab-dotting is not what people play DH for, putting BW on TG so it can spread BW quicker is good.
When you’re in a single-target situation playing the AMN build you’ll want to cast TG because you’ll presumably also be taking soul rend and fel bombardment. TG will be a worthwhile cast just like Chaos Strike is. If you play demon blades you’ll be filling GCD windows with it anyway. If you’re ever at distance from the target you should be hitting TG by second nature.
I’m really struggling to understand why you would just want every button you push to be builder/spender. Such a weird complaint…
It was a single target dot because you applied it to a single target at a time, unlike the current DF version were a single TG will apply it to up to 3 targets. Tab targeting doesn’t change that, just like if I tab target on my rogue to apply a poison to a second target, it doesn’t change the fact it is a single target attack.
Do not confuse what you think I am suggesting with what I actually am. My only issue with this change is it takes what was mostly a single target focused attack and converts it into a poor cleave one while ruining it for single target.
What else changed that it is now not good for single target? It’s only the bounces which might not hit what you expect, first target, single target would still always get hit.
Just the GCD use? Is that an actual problem for a right-side build? Seems like Throw Glaive will be on cooldown all the time if you’re right side so application should be automatic.
Ok I get it now, you’re trolling.
The fact you are using a low damage cleave attack that now has a reduced damage and interaction with IA? Keep in mind that it lasts for six seconds, meaning every six seconds you will need to use TG again to reapply it. TG has a 9 second cool, meaning even if you have the talent to give you two charges you will not be able to maintain it on a single target effectively.
Then toss me an ignore, not like I would miss talking with you all that much…
Throw Glaive can have a lower cooldown based on your haste(down to 6 secs easily). Also it has 2 charges, so you can definitely have 100% uptime on Burning Wounds with it. Not sure if you are just trolling or just looking for things to nitpick at.
It wouldn’t be that low of damage with Fel Bombardment would it? Stacked to 5 isn’t that a 250% damage increase?
Kurock indicates that TG cooldown is modified by haste, so that it should be possible to have 100% uptime.
I think for ideal ST damage we’d see players that don’t switch to Momo doing something like:
Throw Glaive
IA with Growing Infernal
wait until IA time is 7 seconds remaining
Throw Glaive (activated FelBomb (hopefully with some stacks), and applies BW)
IA is dealing a ton of damage now.
That seems pretty good compared to not having any of that now. I’m playing a low APM (Demon Blades-Gambler) spec right now and as such have to put TG in for filler and it really truly does nothing. The changes to TG in DF are wonderful from that point of view.
where does it even say Burning Wounds is no longer 15 seconds? Is he looking at Soulrend? They’re different abilities. He’s just reading stuff wrong and being unhappy on forums!
This is how I Feel, TG is already a button to push anyway, making it feel better to push is what talents should do (take existing button → Make better)
Never mind my complaint about not being able to maintain it, as someone else pointed out it has a 15 second duration. So my issue with that is totally unfounded.
What they probably should have done is moved it into the first third of the middle tree and made it a selection node. Pick between the current Burning Wounds and back in a modified version of the old Bloodlet ability. Or at the very least tie BW to tempest instead of throw glaive and increase it’s cap to match.
That increases TG, not Burning Wounds. The change they are making is to reduce the damage by 25%, reduce the increased damage to IA to 45% (was 65%) and then capping it at three targets. Now that would probably be fine as a cleave attack, my point has continued to be that it is odd to convert what has always been seen as a single target dot into a cleave one. The current version would be rather poor in single target for the talent investment to get.
And if you followed the DH beta thread, it is being change because some vocal testers didn’t like the idea of tab targeting. So this is how Blizzard decided to solve that complaint.
You are 100% correct, so it will be a nice boost for anyone going down the right hand side of the tree. Which does look to be weak, so this would solve not being able to keep it up.