Why are they forcing us into a Throw Glaive Build?


This whole statement just screams Throw Glaive… Are they trying to give us a reason to play ranged now? Like if I wanted to play a ranged class I’d log back on my Hunter. Throw Glaive Meta is not right move here imho


I feel like throw glaive is now a dual purpose dot application, seems out of place given we have soulrend now. I fully intend to play soulrend, so I’d say pass on BW change to being applied by throw glaive also. Might as well make casting Immo Aura applies BW to up to 3 targets just as they intend it to change to.

I really like the idea of allowing for DHs to have a little bit stronger range game. If Throw Glaive with Burning Wounds is really out shining the traditional melee builds, then maybe it’s a tuning issue, not a mechanics issue.

I’d be sad if they completely scrapped a whole new playstyle just because our older builds were threatened by these changes.


If you’re taking demon blades, you’re going to have some empty globals for throw glaive anyway. Gives it an actual function as a dot/debuff applicator.


Because it’s a button that already cleaves (no need to maintenance tab target in packs)
That has Talents on the same side of the Tree as BW that make it worth regularly pushing

It’s awesome


I don’t know what “throw glaive” build even means. I play demon blades so i hit it whenever i need to fill a GCD. I guess if you want to go into an immo aura build you’d have to at least track fel bombardment first but… who cares? lol?

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ok, so if you want to have immo aura do damage, you gotta throw your glaive. fine.
that means you might as well go the soulrend way, even though AMN does nothing for the physical part of throw glaive, but no biggie.
but if you want immo aura to actually be good, you gotta take ragefire as well, and know your enemy, since it scales ragefire and therefore immo aura.

so now you’re all over the place and can’t really make an effective build out of it. sadge


immo aura doesn’t need tg to do damage, where are you reading that?

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in the blue post the OP shared lol

still don’t understand how this is a problem unless you just straight up don’t have throw glaive bound?

DH forums complain about the weirdest things…

Isn’t the headline here that burning wound is capped at three targets? Problem being over-simplification?


try to make an immolation aura build.
if you don’t understand by then, it is beyond my ability to explain it better.
good luck!

So… You don’t want to take soulrend? You don’t like that you apply burning wound from throw glaive instead of demon bite? Do you… just want to buff immo aura damage w/o feeling pressured to take fel bombardment or any other talents that buff throw glaive? Soulrend damage is chaos instead of being a bleed so you’re wrong that AMN won’t benefit because you’ll be buffing that damage by stacking mastery. That’s synergy that wouldn’t be there if they just did a one-for-one copy of bloodlet like people were asking for. That’s good, no?

Or are you trying to argue you can’t take know your enemy and ragefire to go with the build? Because you can. Easily. You can even add things like momentum or fel barrage or chaos theory or essence break or the shadowlands abilities. The only thing you can’t do is go down the middle of the tree and pick up the talents that buff meta. So a meta/AMN hybrid build is out.

Idk I think this whole thread is a bit of a reach tbh.


Not a fan of this change. Forcing in on to throw glaives means you will have no control over which targets you apply it to and it will seem odd to be wasting a global on a cleave ability in a single target situation. Maybe add TG to that talent that is designed to increase the effectiveness of cleave attacks that are only used upon a single target?

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I think we are seeing an issue from too many talents dogpiling onto the same abilities.

We would be better off having 1-2 new spells and a few associated talents for them, instead of having such a small kit and relying on combinations of recycled legendary powers.

I think I would rather have ragefire instead of burning wound, and having more than 3 talents buffing immolation aura seems excessive.


You know what I will agree that having Burning Wound as a passive effect off Throw Glaive - target capped no less - is just going to make Burning Wound feel thoughtless. Also: weirdly: If Burning Wound is exclusive to Throw Glaive that’s two dots associated with throw glaive, like we’re old school Death Knights!

Yeah, I already touched on that topic earlier. Dual purpose DoT application seems out of place, I’d rather have souldrend tied to TG than BW.

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They should just cook Burning Wound and Soulrend into the same ability. Make the dot last longer and don’t give it a target cap. It won’t be the frustration of tab-targetting BW on everything but it’ll at least require you to target something w/o BW so you can min/max.

Everybody wins!

Or just do away with BW and buff up Soulrend further, look my OP talks about specifically the changes they made seems like its pigeon-holding us into Throw Glaive talents, like We’d be taking Soulrend with the build anyway, but why lock us into yet another playstyle, that again not many may not like, some people like the in your face beatdown DHs have.

Not knocking Soulrend, its Bloodlet with a new name, just I dont understand why they are focusing more on the whole Throw Glaive aspect of the class, when they can focus on every aspect.

Eyebeam add burningwound. DONE


I love throw glaive not being useless, like what are you talking about?

Having more ranged dmg is VERY good, especially in pvp.

So please don’t listen to these ppl here blizz