Because WoW doesnt give a duck anymore.
the problem is they never gave ducks to begin with!
They may be all out of ducks to give.
Shhh, they need to save it has an expansion idea / creature.
baloney, they’ve had 14 years to incorporate ducks.
also baloney, they can make ducks.
I know I very quickly run out of ducks to give. Sometimes I have none at all to begin with.
If WoW had ducks to give they sure dont show it, so I wont give a duck till they do.
of all the creatures i enjoy hunting. Wolves, gnomes, beared female dwarves, void elves giant behemoth shaggy fur things, birds that look emaciated, and fish. Ducks are not in wow! WE MUST HAVE DUCKS OR I WILL BE FORCED TO HUNT NIGHT ELVES NEXT!
Duck lovers rise up. Time for all of us to unsub en masse until Blizzard caves in to our demands and gives us the only thing that will fix this expansion: ducks. If Blizz thinks I’m going to play an expansion with no ducks, they’re ducking crazy.
Blizzard is anti-duck.
because goose
Exactly! Is it really too hard to disinguish a mallard or something?
I can’t see ducks as cute anymore unless its a baby one. Their means of reproduction are just -shudder-
what goose?
its no different from blood elf production! you take 2 night elves and they wrap their baby in a shell of arcane/fel power and boom! blood elf.
you just made the list.
In the words of the great Gordon Bombay
Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack
truely… he understood.
tears up
You even have lore precedent that they DO exist.
its not a real duck!Not what I meant at all. I just can’t explain it here on the forums
They haven’t quite learned how to quack the code yet.