Why are there so many typos?


Or throw in a



I can’t recall the exact typo or what quest it was from, but I do remember seeing a word completely misspelled a week or two ago.

Still, it’s more comprehendible than the SL writing. Part of me is hoping they fired some of those writers and hired some interns. Then typos are forgivable.

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I’m one of those quest readers (well, the first run through anyway), so maybe I should try to get into the next expansion’s beta test. Who knows if they’ll fix my reports but maybe I’ll give it a shot. I don’t typically do betas so that I can experience the game fresh at launch.

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Wait, you reported typos on beta and they got fixed? Darn, I hope that’s not the only period of time when they actually pay attention to reports like that. I started taking screenshots of each typo I saw near the end of questing through Azure Span, and I’ve made it up to 21 separate text boxes by now. I’ve probably still missed some since then due to fatigue; they’re wearing me down lol

Typos is the best repellent against some people, add yo and fam for good measure and you don’t have to deal with those people ever again.

OP is of they’re rocker, its not that big of a deal

There taking this way to serious, and it’s is apparently pretty ruff on them

Either Q/A is bad or are on a riot . you pick

Well apparently it’s done by interns, since Y’barra all but confirmed in the back to work QnA that they just throw CS/Q&A work at newly hired interns…

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knock yourself out :slight_smile:

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They aren’t typos, they are an innovative take on the English language.

rolls bluff check

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It’s as though some of the game is subcontracted out to overseas companies where English is a second language. The spelling errors have been around for a number of years now, so the opportunity to correct whatever is the cause has been missed.

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He didn't call you anything. He just said that typos with words that has two meanings and spellings aren't Blizzard's priority.




noun: homophone; plural noun: homophones

  1. each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling, for example new and knew.

“homophones can cause confusion and people often use the wrong one in error”

  • each of a set of symbols denoting the same sound or group of sounds.

Those arent bugs; their features :crazy_face:

It’s not even the typos or the incorrect words used that bothers me anymore. At this point, half of the quest text is word goop that is entirely undecipherable. It’s like there are words there and I am reading the words, but my brain is not able to make the words make sense. The writing in this game was never good, but it feels like it has fallen off a cliff this expansion. It’s like they got paid by the paragraph and fed random words into an AI algorithm to spit out nonsense.

Yeah a couple I spotted. Like the centaur saying Wild Mother instead of Wind Mother. Little ones like that

It would be nice to have a quick “report typo” button in the game. I’m not going to open a bug report just for a typo I know it would be annoying on their end, but if there was a button to report a typo and they can have someone fix them all at once before submitting the patch it might be more helpful.

Is it possible learn to this power?!

Sometimes my fingers get ahead of my brain. I make a lot of typos but I do try to correct them/