Why are the Zereth Mortis upgardes days?

Except you split up the alt cooldown timer from account wide.

There is no “and plus.” That’s all there is.

No it didn’t. The meta achievement stated any difficulty because at the time LFR wasn’t going to be fated. However the individual achievement for the mount stated normal from the beginning.

No it wasn’t. Read above.

No it didn’t. Originally LFR was not going to be fated hence the meta achievement.

The individual achievement has always said normal.

We did…but as usual timegated

Not false.

Yes because it was missed. I already addressed that.

Either way it was dumb to assume a seasonal reward from LFR.

I know what it said.

Literally posted the screenshot, genius.

To reply after being proven wrong? Yes, I agree.

Don’t discuss with Snozay, He’s just an alt from a Mage that just have a close opinion that at that moment the achievement wasn’t active because fated raids weren’t active…bla bla bla

I even did a post on July 17th a lot of time before S4 start about LFR acquisition being too easy for a mount that will be rewarded for 1 season and that this mount should be added to the BMAH too. Any player checking wowhead and the last version implemented in the game will assume the same.

That’s why meta achievements say “Normal or higher” and the completion of the raid (story achievement) “Any” because you can complete that achievement via LFR.

I’m glad we had the thread mutate into yet another slime cat discussion. Because we totally needed another one of those.

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Wowhead had a link I used to link that disproved those screenshots. Just don’t care enough to go dig it back up.

Linking some screenshots out of context doesn’t mean anything.

Actually this is my new main going into DF.

Because they weren’t. Sorry you were wrong.

You mean the screenshot I personally took? LOLOLOLOL yeah no.

Wowhead is constantly full of crap and wrong. My screenshot absolutely isn’t.

ROFLMAO what even is this? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

What mage?

Yes because they don’t make addons that make up achievements?

Wowhead has more credibility than either of us.


I forgot they were time-gated because I did the cipher grind on like 10 or 15 characters and you only have to worry about the time-gating the first time

One that replied a lot when Slimecat was a big deal…As I said He won’t understand your point of view, for him anyone is wrong because the raid wasn’t active at that moment, even if the achievement was already on the live servers and it was changed some days before launching the actual season.

I’m sorry you still can’t understand that just because it’s inactive on live servers it’s still subject to change as the patch isn’t live yet.

I’m sure there’s hundreds of other video games for you to play, or activities you can do.

Learn to crochet. It’s a low cost, low stress skill.

Play another game while you gather components and stuff?

All these topics about WoW wasting time–I’m just like “You’re playing a video game to waste time.”

Who the hell even knows that’s a thing or uses it for what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Could you act any more obtuse?? My god, the crap you’ll make up is astounding.

You’re wrong. Deal with it.

Not of my screenshot.

Why would I know who you are?

He makes crap up just to not believe facts. Guess he’s that obsessed with trying to be right and failing miserably.

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There’s literally an addon to make up achievements in game.

I’m sorry you are wrong.

I’m not.

Actually yes more than your “screenshots”

I post here all the time.

And you’re seriously grasping at straws, thinking anyone’s going to do that for this stupid reason or even knows that exists.

I literally proved you wrong. Deal with it.

I still don’t know you and I honestly don’t care to know anyone who would call people dumb, ignore proof of fact and continue to act as obtuse as you are. This is a really childish reply from you and I’m not wasting any more time on you.

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Its a well known addon and you claiming you took the screen shots doesnt magically make them more credible.

I mean you didnt.

Ahh resorting to personal insults because cant dispute facts. Have a good night.