Why are the servers so laggy

MS is as normal, slightly higher but nothing that would cause me to have movement delays as I have. Casting is 2-3 seconds from when I hit the button to when I see it. It was far worse while doing the Vale world boss, not as bad doing the world boss in Tirigarde Sound.

I have played Nazmir on a lot of characters and a number of servers. The only one that gives me trouble is the CRZ that Blood Furnace is in. People have been complaining for weeks. It’s unplayable. You hit a key, wait 2-4 seconds for something to happen.

Ive had the exact same problem with the vale. Low ms but 5 second delay on everything. I run a 1080ti, usually can play the game at 120 to 150 fps, but the vale is awful.

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See the below threads for insight into how long this should have been a known issue but went mostly unaddressed.


but you somehow think it’s helpful by pretending lag has never been this bad?

what may be helpful, is to provide tech support with requested information.
…complaining in GD doesn’t help anything.

It hasn’t been this bad for me. This expansion is exceptionally bad.

Ion said to make bug reports when it happens in game. I have been making bug reports for over 6 months.

Please go away if you are just going to troll.

providing basic information isn’t trolling.

if the bug reports aren’t helping, then it seems there isn’t enough information being submitted.

if people are able to provide traceroutes, it may be of some benefit to help isolate any issues.

No but this is trolling.

And not reading what I said repeatedly is trolling.

I already stated in the opening post I have been making bug reports for over 6 months - you telling me to provide tech support with information when Ion told us to make bug reports is not helpful.

This is not a trace route problem. If it was it wouldn’t be worse on Tuesday when there is more people in the areas. It is a game problem.

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if there are more people, there is more internet traffic.

that internet traffic has to be funneled through somewhere.

Seems to be hitting specific zones on different servers for a week(s) at a time.

After a lengthy spike, I said the time and waited for the words to appear just to see it time stamped on screen. It’s an old habit from back in the day that still amuses me today.

In all honesty, these recent lag holes are fairly new and overall the game runs smoothly for me, doesn’t mean that they are not extremely annoying though.

Same issue all day. Latency is around 30 stable, 5 to 15 second delays on everything in the vale, but even more attempting to do the world boss. Every other zone is fine. Had some in uldum too

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A couple weeks ago the sharding was so extreme I felt like there were 5 people per zone.

Now they can’t seem to shard anything properly - any zone with a world boss or a good emissary reward becomes unplayable.

What card you run and what fps you are running at generally has nothing to do with delays on things. Unless the game was literally freezing for 10 seconds. Not singling you out btw, I’ve just noticed a lot of people seem to not realize graphics performance and fps has nothing to do with ability input lag

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That makes sense actually lol im like “ok, i can run re2 remake on ultra but i can barely play wow in the vale. Wtf.”


^ yeah… blizz seem to be hinting at sharding having a hand in this, and are asking people to switch their WM status to get put into another shard… but that’s not really a viable option for a lot of people, and probably won’t do anything for the people who want to sit around in cities

there were also issues with some new drivers, and reverting back to the old drivers seemed to help

…i find it extremely frustrating when people would rather stomp their feet, instead of being forthcoming with information which may help lock down the source of the issue. :grimacing:

You realize Ion has admitted this is a game problem, right?

you realize complaining to GD doesn’t help provide any further information in order to help isolate the issue, right?

We shall see. Tech support has had a year to work on this, people have been putting in bug reports for 6 months or more about this. General discussion might be a better place than two areas that aren’t fixing things.

If this thread somehow offends you, you can just leave.

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This is what I’m experiencing as well.
Ping is normal as usual. No problem there.
I’m also getting decent fps considering the amount of people hitting the world boss.

But damn, that input lag…


Never had the laggy problem when I was Alliance in Boralus. However I am getting DCed in the new raid for some odd reason!