There is a portal trainer in the portal room. She’s just not labeled as such. The npc’s name is Larimaine Purdue.
F that.
I just wanna go where I wanna go.
I don’t want to have to beg for someone to cast a spell, someone who’s going to want a ridiculous amount of money for pushing 1 button and waiting 5 seconds.
While I hate Orgrimmar’s portal room, I’d rather do that than have to deal with trying to get a portal off a mage.
I’m still getting the same guild achievements half of the time I log onto the game ever since TWW dropped, lol
I’m sorry 20g is outside of your budget.
Need I remind you that the complaint is from the very start about people being too lazy to walk.
They don’t, but they’re all weird. And honestly way less convenient.
I’m kind of short on time but I’ll see if I can fit it in.
“Don’t fix it because some people have memorized their current arbitrary placement and it would cause them a slight inconvenience to rememorize them” is certainly a take.
The Horde portal area is a mess of afterthoughts. They should just have a big round hub room that branches out into three or more smaller rooms, and the smaller rooms are what have the portals. No having to walk up and down stairs, and it would be a good opportunity to organize them better, because there’s no real rhyme or reason for their current placement. Like the Dorngal portal languishes in the basement while things like the rarely used Silvermoon portal take up space in the main area.
They should probably move the entrance too, or remove collision from those damned chains.
those chains are part of why i switched back to regular flying, lol
Blizzard could technology from Stargate:
There is a console next to each portal. You select the location, the portal opens, then walk through.
This would also allow to travel directly from one capital to another, e.g. from Dornogal to Valdrakken, without a stop in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. And in each capital you need one portal only of course.
Update: btw Stargates are already in the game as 3D model, look at the (inactive) portals at the location of the classic dragon world bosses.
Some portals back to Orgrimmar bring you to the lower level while another brings you to the upper level. It’s inconsistent and confusing too.
I’m just wondering why we can’t mail ourselves to where we want to go. There appears to be no limit to the size of packages (I can ship, like, 10 battle axes, and I have received massive mounts in mail), and if we mail to someone in our guild, doesn’t it arrive instantaneously if the guild has the perk for it?
Surely the arcane nature of mail shipments wouldn’t feel any worse than portals?
Alliance one is all nicely decorated and made to look nice…Horde is like they stopped caring. Idk how they even added the extra portal room to that mage tower for alliance and Horde they show us as we’re walking into the portal room hall two split off hallways but only one goes anywhere and it’s down a flight of stairs into the basement with possible chance they’re going to add a sub basement for more later. I mean… how does this make sense as it’s like alliance get gravity defying tower to heaven and Horde keep going deeper into the possibly fiery depths of the world when we need more portal rooms. Don’t even get me started on how they also still got a horde leader’s throne in the middle of town for Horde but Alliance they’re in the back behind countless walls and guards…to say there isn’t a bias here is BS and lies with how they’re putting things together
There’s also PLENTY of room in Orgrimmar they could have used.
They could have made the portal room out of that big arena that’s normally the Brawler’s Guild. (Then just add a portal for the Brawler’s Guild to the side - which is how it is anyway.) Plenty of space in there, they just would have had to put the hollow structure in the world zone.
Instead they dig a really, really tiny hole in the main gate. Why?!?
And if you interrupt them via chat while they are casting, they get confused and send you to a random location. (like bling-a-tron)
Tooltip text is hard to read apparently.
Don’t even need that, I mean, you can just LOOK at the portal and see where it goes.