Why do I have to walk down two flights of stairs to take the Dornogal portal? Just move Oribos to the annex or something - nobody’s going there.
something something spaghetti code, small indie company something
A great reason to put it there.
Why they didn’t redesign the portal room I don’t know.
It’s a mess, Alliance not much better either tbh.
Because exercise is good. Because portal locations are ingrained in people’s heads. Because they’re putting new portals into the empty spaces in the new section.
We shouldn’t need portal rooms.
Give us an NPC who teleports us. Make him comment about the place we’re going while he charges up.
If only people used to ask other classes for portals around the world. Gee, might even offer them tips!. Now, what could that be…?
I agree with a re-design. There should just be one giant, epic-looking portal and when you click it, it offers you the expansion of your choice. Kind of like the Dark Iron Mole Machine does.
The portals are placed in chronological wings.
Begging for mage portals wasn’t a great “social aspect” of the game… can’t say how glad I am that’s not a thing anymore. Lock portals to summon team-mates to a raid feels not as offensive, but the summoning stones just outside each instance largely negate that need (except when newbies are lost and can’t reach the group from the spawn point after a death).
while this is true it will take them few days to remember the new locations
Let’s not make things up. Everyone is different. Some people don’t use the portals often enough to relearn them that quickly. Some people just don’t relearn stuff regardless that quickly. There’s no need to frustrate others and inconvenience them because someone can’t go up or down a flight of stairs.
People can stop being lazy and use the secondary room. The entire reason it was created was to put the new portals into it.
Tbh i use these portals so much i dont even look at what im clicking id find it annoying to move em around.
They should just put the ‘current’ main city port smack dab in the middle of the main room, then move it to a permanent spot when superseded.
The whole concept of separate portals is showing its age.
I remember when they put in two separate portals on Darkmoon Island, one for Horde and one for Alliance. Then they removed those and just put in a single portal which automatically took you to your Faction destination.
This shows they have the tech to use single portals for multiple destinations. They could simply have a portal mage or a single portal; when you click on it, it brings up a map similar to the world map where you navigate to where you want to go, much like using flightpoints.
ESO has a similar system, the Waysharines, where it brings up a map of the world and you click on the shrine you want to go to.
100% agreed
I never asked for gold to port someone. I felt embarrassed for other Mages who advertised ports. To me it felt like begging on a street corner.
They only should have only one portal that you click on it and pick on a menu drop down for your location.
tbh I never feel like the current city ought to be accessible via the portal room because I always hearth there. For me it is the least important portal in the entire room.
This sounds horribly against all RPG elements left in this game and I vehemently oppose this.