The Horde portals certainly don’t.
Quite a few people go to Oribos; Shadowlands, like it or not, has a LOT of collectibles.
I mean, they’ve moved the Horde portals around more than once since the portal room became a thing. I don’t know why they didn’t do that this time. They’re also not organized in any sort of real order.
Our toons don’t need even more exercise on top of all the combat we go through. That’s plenty of cardio. Do you know how many mana buns I have to eat to look this good? Making me run more for no good reason is just… Ugh.
Also, the Cataclysm portals are annoying. When you port back from their respective zones, you no longer appear in the circle but the portal room - despite their portals being on the other side of the city.
They moved 'em around in order to fit portals into the actual room. Now that there’s more room and it is entirely pointless to force people to relearn something which isn’t a problem… why would they move portals around?
It is better to spread them around as long as it isn’t too far, and the portals are… well, right there. Takes less than 5 seconds to get to 'em. Now folks see more of the places that they can go and learn that there’s more portals to use. The number of people who didn’t know about the portals downstairs in Orgrimmar was ridiculous. Now folks use both the downstairs and ground level portals.
Not just alliance who gotta deal with the current content portal in the wrong spot, Horde’s Dornogal portal in the basement
Imagine being all “no don’t fix the portals so they make sense because I have these ones memorized!”
Like you can’t just do that again.
Imagine accepting bad design for convenience, and defending it.
I remember when the portal room was first added in Orgrimmar, and a lot of us said, “you guys know this isn’t big enough, right?”
Then a few months later they had to add a basement because it wasn’t big enough.
The Horde situation is just worse overall because a bunch of their portals had to go in the basement. Since the Horde main portal room is half the size of the Alliance one.
Because nobody at Blizzard plays Horde. They don’t even bother looking at this stuff.
Why in the world would you want to confuse folks every expansion or patch that added a new major location by shuffling around the existing portals?
The existing portals staying in the spot they were originally placed just makes sense.
The Dornogal portal is so lonely. It’s not even beside Bel’ameth.
Thankfully, I’m a Mage and portal locations are not a concern, I make my own.
A great reason to swap to Alliance.
Although ours is not much better being up the back, at least it looks nicer.
Because the portal that gets used 95% of the time - the one for the current expansion - should be the primary portal.
If it’s that difficult for you, then they could do a “CURRENT EXPANSION PORTAL GOES HERE” slot that never changes.
This is literally how you make things more and more formulaic and lacking creativity. No thanks. if an extra 15 seconds, at most, warrants the complaints then what are you doing in an mmo. Just walk to the other portal.
plenty of people use them actually
The overwhelming majority of people set their hearth to the main city of the current expansion and are doing content in said new expansion zones. Hearthing is and has always been the most common method of returning to the current content zones from old, not the portal room.
Playing roulette with their placements from one expac to another just adds inconsistency that serves no real purpose.
The only real problem with the specific placement of each is that it unfortunately has a completely random feel regarding where each one was placed. Why they weren’t placed in order of expansion is beyond me. Like why in the world did they have gaps between portals back in the day? Just use the next available slot instead of tossing the new one 5 spots down for no real reason.
Like why in the world is the the Caverns of Time and Shattrath portal downstairs for Horde when they are the earliest (as far as content chronology), with Silvermoon (which came out same expac as Shattrath) upstairs?
No portals to WoD make sense as it’s an alternate timeline accessed through the power of the Dark Portal itself. But then why are the Cata portals off on the entirely opposite ends of the city. Especially since they just go to other sections of the original two primary continents, which is true for the Caverns of Time, but that one is OK to be in the main hub? Then you have the Zuldazar portal between the MoP and Legion portals?
The Stormwind portal room is a little better, but the order placement of them is just as random feeling as the Horde ones.
Why are the portals not just all centralized in one place, and most importantly, laid out in a logical order based on expansion chronology?
If we were to get an adjustment to portal placement, it really just needs to be a full on redesign of the portal rooms in general and a one time coherent logical re-ordering of them based on expansion chronology.
The Alliance portal trainer isn’t even in the portal room. They’re in Old Town next to a mage trainer over there.
It’s super weird.
a pocket mage toy would be cool
acts like a mage, you talk to it and it asks you where you want to go, like a real mage player with all the locations mages can teleport to.
sell it on the in game shop.
It took 15 years to get the right achievement points in the guild page, they haven’t broken mouse button 4 and 5 in a long time so don’t be asking for too much now.
We put it way back there to punish people for not wanting to talk to us.
yea the horde portal rooms feel like a after thought compared to the alliance. its like they were overworked and nobody slept in days and they just said the hell with it stick em anywhere