Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Jealous? No. I used to like Sylvanas’ character.

Bored of her and this storyline? Yes. They’ve oversaturated her character in the narrative. They’ve had to retcon some of the lore to make this storyline make sense and make use of unrealistic circumstances to make it work.

Yet, it still doesn’t work. Her character is not one conducive to being front and center, she works better as a character in the shadows. And guess what? Now that she’s front and center, the player characters will have to deal with her. Which means only one thing in the end.


Why cant people dislike a character in a game without being called names, have their character attacked by people like you just because you disagree with their stance.

If i wanted to do what youre doing, i could call you a beta male or a simp or fan boi or sychophant. Doesnt make it true now does it?


Psychology says that people are often jealous of things or individuals that are popular.

Open up a dictionary.

See the word:


Popular doesn’t always mean “good”.

Therefore, you can’t assume that jealousy is the rational if the popularity is not based on admiration and/or people are giving you FACTUAL and reasonable examples of why they dislike the character.

You look at WHAT things this character might have done that people might dislike.

This isn’t hard.

The fact YOU can’t see, or understand why people dislike this character despite the 1000s of forum post, video evidence and text and just react with,

“Haters gonna hate broooo! Wee keepz it realzz!”

Nevermind, you actually used the word “haters”.


Of course she is popular, she has a body made to attract neckbeards.


And she has the abusive personality to attract beta males.


Eh, playing FF14 actually made me just want to play WoW again.

There’s so much I dislike about that game it just keeps reminding me of wow over and over again, and I just lose interest in it.

Lmao you do get that the whole point of the tree was to get as many souls into the maw as possible right ?

I like Sylvanas and you don’t have to be a professional writer to talk about just how garbage the storytelling has been this expansion. The quality of writing this expansion is widely known as trash aka bad writing.


I am a writer (I posted links to my work above), and I also agree that the writing for this expansion has been awful, in part because so much of the development happens outside the game. If the Before the Storm, Three Sisters, and other such things had happened in the game, the story would have already been better.

The main problem with the story is that key points happen off camera. It is like watching a series, and then there’s a timeskip between one episode and the next, and we only get allusions to what happened during the skip without it being explained or shown until later there are a couple flashback sequences that tie things together, and show what is happening.

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All of this was retconned? Figures. Yep. Bad writing. I think I am going to ignore recent cannon from now on until they improve the writing.

At this point, fan fiction, and head-cannon seems better lately. That is pretty sad.

A lot of people like seeing the bad guy inevitably get their comeuppance which Sylvanas has managed to somehow dodge for far FAR too long now. The story has bent over backwards to let her get away with stuff she shouldn’t for far too long. Let us lay the smacketh down now.


Exactly. Also it looks like they are trying to justify her actions, too.

As a writer, I could make a way for that to work without retconning.

First, meeting the Jailer could have been due to unreliable narrator. The story mentioned ‘something’ being in the nothingness, after all, but the memories could have been too confused or fragmented at that time.

For the other two parts, well, the simplest way to make that work is to say that Sylvanas wasn’t made aware of the Jailer’s machinations until after the internal dialogue in Before the Storm where she curses Vol’jin’s spirits for making her Warchief.

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That would have made more sense.

I’m probably giving the devs too much credit, but I’d like to think that they’ll realize that giving her the Kerrigan treatment will only appeal to a minority of the fanbase as everyone on the Alliance wants her dead as well as a decently large chunk of the Horde.

But it’s more likely one of her fans on the dev team will pull strings to get her off the hook.

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Devs have already said she’s been positioning herself to be Warchief since Edge of Night.

Yeah, which is a bit of retconning. Still a way to make it work, though it gets more complicated.

First, just because the goal was achieved doesn’t mean that the way it happened is what she would have chosen. Playing the slow game, growing her forces, spreading doubt and corruption through the ranks to break up the “muh honor” brigade would be a far better path for her. However, if her ally, the Jailer, saw an opportunity, and took it, using it to thrust her into the seat before she was ready, then that could work out.

The fact that she cursed the job once she had it could simply be a bit of buyer’s remorse, not liking the restrictions it put on her by being in the open, as well as the fact that she didn’t have all her pieces in place, yet.

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I prefer to just go with “they dun f***** up” and move on.

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Maybe there is a secret reason behind?

We all gotta work somewhere lol. I like your name.