Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

I thought it was gonna be boot licker


I hope we get a definite choice going into Shadowlands.

I refused to put any of my character through that story line after the first pass.

The level of obvious trolling here is amazing. Always the ā€œalliance leader is dumbā€ pointā€¦ :sad:


Very popular??

Seems opinionated.


anduin is wants to hold hands with the horde after what happened this expansion. are you trying to insinuate heā€™s somehow a GOOD alliance leader?


Theyā€™re trolling both sides, going to ignore the OP.

You just cant take any other argument than yours, is it it?

ā€œWriting is bad because I am customer and I said so and because I think soā€.


No. Heā€™s a good person, period. But people hate good persons these days, be they real or ficticiousā€¦ Some people just want to watch the world burn.


at this point i fully expect sheā€™ll be the to ā€œsaveā€ us all and then the forums will explode. lol

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I did not say he is bad, I like him tho, but when people complain that we do not have strong leader, I just said that he is not the strongest leader as well.

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I am confused by your post it. It is all over the place.

Your title implies jealousy but then your post goes on different tangents.

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Do you? I just do not know. I expect some sort of self sacrifice.

Truth is, in a good story, there has to be a complete cycle. There is a good show on Netflix right now that speaks to that, Myths and Monsters. Blizzard stories are haphazard and all over the place leaving the audience dazed and uncomfortable imho.


Because heā€™s inexperienced, and his counselors are busier trying to kill a certain character everyoneā€™s talking about and Velen simply disappeared after Legion (in the plot, he just likes to chill at the embassy now).
Heā€™s been king for like 2-3 years lorewise without being 100% ready for it, heā€™s doing the best he can.

In my opinion Anduin is one of the best characters WoW has ever had.


And in my opinion he is the very worse character ever, throughout all expansions we have had to deal with him.

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I am only wondering if Shadowlands is going to twist him some? I would love to see some shadowform on that priest, lolā€¦

yes. i read a thread where blizz said sheā€™d be able to make more valkyrs in shadow lands and after the cinematic where she was talking about setting everyone free those two things combined look odd if thatā€™s not what theyā€™re doing. honestly when i initially saw the cinematic i thought sheā€™d be a raid boss. but seeing other stuff. itā€™s obvious that they have other plans for her.

No, it is because they made her like a God?

I just watched that cinematic for Shadowlands (Lols, I leave for a month for Red Dead 2 Online, Frontier Pursuits (great fun!), and everything that was never going to happen happens (Shadowlands, MechaGnomes, Vulpera, etc.) and she tosses around that Bolvar/New lich king dude like a toy.

With that kind of power, she could just have wiped out the Alliance and everyone.


Why is he the worse? Because you donā€™t like him? because he doesnā€™t ā€œwinā€? Because heā€™s a nice guy?
For me Sylvannas is the worse character, and i have to deal with her in my face a lot more than you have to deal with Anduin


I think we are reading into the ā€œsetting freeā€ sediment. I think it is just a comment to break the barrier between life and death, that death is not the end. We now can move freely between both worlds.

I think that you and 99% of the haters forgot the fact, that most of the power came from Frostmourne that absorbed ā€œenemyā€ souls and empowered the wielderā€¦ right?

So Bolvar was just a dude with some extra powers and ability to control undead in Northrend.